Saturday, June 29, 2013


THE Secretary-General of Lagos Markets, Deacon Lanre Ajayi, has  put to rest the controversy that trailed the emergence of Mrs Folashde Tinubu-Ojo as the new Iyaloja of Lagos, saying she fulfilled what was stated in the constitution.
Speaking with Saturday Tribune in a telephone interview,  on Friday, Deacon Ajayi admitted that though it came as a shock to many people when it was announced by the constituted authorities that Folashade, the daughter of the former Lagos State governor, Bola Tinubu, would be the next Iyaloja, she was qualified to be. He insisted that what many people didn't know was that Folashade fulfilled "to a large extent" what is stated in the constitution guiding markets operations and how a new Iyaloja should be chosen in Lagos State.
"Our constitution states that a would-be Iyaloja must be a high ranking-officer in the leadership echelon of all markets in Lagos State. The new Iyaloja, Mrs Folashade Tinubu-Ojo, was until her appointment, the Chairman of the Marketing Development Board in Lagos State. By this position alone, she has met the basic requirements of the office," he said.
Deacon Ajayi further revealed that apart from being the Chairman of the Marketing Development Board (a position she still occupies, it was gathered), Folashade also won the support of over two-thirds of the markets' high-ranking officers who were "constitutionally empowered to select who the next Iyaloja would be."
"I know that it is not everybody that will be happy about the development, as no one really knows what was running through some people's minds the day she was announced as the new Iyaloja, even though there was jubilation on that day; but you can't deny the fact that she fulfilled certain critical conditions," he remarked.
But a section of the Lagos market stake holders insist that Deacon Ajayi is talking on his own behalf and does not represent the greater majority who are opposed to Tinubu's actions. They claimed that Deacon Ajayi has been bought over by Tinubu and thus his views are compromised.


This incident happened in Anambra State of Nigeria. A cheating wife was caught in the act with her boyfriend by her husband and the people in the community took justice into their hands by forcing the cheating partners to have $ex in public while they watch. The husband who couldn't watch, walked away from the scene to throw away the properties of his cheating wife from his house.
This jungle justice happened in a community near Anambra State University.VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED!

Friday, June 28, 2013


Take a good look at this Lawmaker's details as displayed on the website of the National Assembly. His name is Hon. Oyetunde Oladimeji Ojo - Member of Nigeria's House of Rep. Representing IJERO/EFON/EKITI WEST, Ekiti State. He is the son-in-law of the former governor of Lagos State, Senator Bola Tinubu and married to Tinubu's daughter, Mrs. Folashade Tinubu-Ojo, the New Iyaloja of Lagos, who Tinubu just imposed on Lagos Market women after the demise of his mother. According to the information available on the NASS website. He was Born in 1979 and enrolled for his Diploma in Journalism 9 years after he was born. That is between 1988 - 1994! That means he was 9 years when he started his Diploma in Journalism and acquired his diploma in Journalism at the age of 15 (in 1994) and at the same time between 1988 and 1994 was in Senton Secondary School! How can this be? At what age did he Go to Primary and Secondary School? He also claimed to have obtained B.A POLITICS (UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH, UNITED KINGDOM) between 2002-2005. This I will pursue and revert to you another day. Don't forget that Senator Bola Tinubu was also involved in an alleged certificate forgery (aka Toronto University) by the late Chief Gani Fawehimi which Bola Tinubu denied. Will Hon. Oyetunde Oladimeji Ojo come forward and explain to Nigerians why this grave 'mistake' on his profile if actually it is a mistake. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The culture of imposition in Lagos continued recently as his Royal Majesty,Emperor Bola Tinubu ,the grand Emperor of the Kingdom of Lagos and Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) pronounced his daughter,Folashade Tinubu-Ojo the new President General of market men and women in Lagos.The coronation took place at the 7th day prayer held by leaders of Market Association for the late Abibatu Mogaji at her Sunday Adigun residence in Ikeja,Lagos.
Tinubu who interrupted the prayer sessions to make the decree first told the market leaders that the house where Mogaji lived and died has been willed to the association.
Before the applause that followed could die down he went to the next item" " I also want to announce to you that the new Iyaloja of Lagos is Folashade Tinubu-ojo.We are in a new era.Besides,Mama was not older than her age when she became Iyaloja" By this time Sade was on her feet dancing with the father handing her envelopes filled with cash to distribute to the Alfas. 
The market leaders dispersed with mixed feelings as they meet on Tuesday to review the coup Tinubu hatched.It would be recalled that Tinubu wife, Oluremi is currently a Senator in Lagos while her sister is a member of Lagos Assembly.The husband of Sade who has just been installed Iyaloja is a member of the House of Reps.Tinubu is indeed Lagos!Eko o ni baje ju bayii lo
Will someone remind Tinubu that the late Sage Obafemi Awolowo did not impose his wife and any other family members while he held sway as the leader of the Unity Party of Nigeria.Does it mean that the laid down ground rules that allows the market woman to chose who their next leader will be usurped by Tinubu just like that? Even if the Iyaloja is finally chosen,is it not the Oba of Lagos (Oba Akiolu) that should put the final stamp of authority on who ever the market women chooses to represent them? Tinubu is just pushing a self destruct button that will ultimately destroy the empire which he is trying to build in Nigeria. In addition,the late Alhaja Mogaji was NOT Tinubu's biological mother,so the issue of inheriting the postion in question does not even arise as Tinubu lacks any locus standi to ask his daughter to inherit the position of Iyaloja.
Meanwhile,the Lagos State PDP has warned former Governor of Lagos State, Bola Tinubu, to rescind his decision to impose his young daughter, Shade Tinubu-Ojo, as the new Leader of Market Women in the State.In a statement signed by the Publicity Secretary, Taofik Gani, the Lagos state PDP said it noted “that the much touted democrat should allow the simple tenets of democracy to prevail in the selection of a new leader for the Market women, more so as there is no cogent evidence that his nominee and daughter is a full time market woman.


Washington (CNN) -- In a dramatic slap at federal authority, a divided Supreme Court has struck down a key part of congressional law that denies to legally married same-sex couples the same benefits provided to heterosexual spouses.
The Defense of Marriage Act defines marriage as only between a man and a woman.
The vote Wednesday was 5-4.
"Although Congress has great authority to design laws to fit its own conception of sound national policy, it cannot deny the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment," said Justice Anthony Kennedy.
The case examined whether the federal government can deny tax, health and pension benefits to same-sex couples in states where they can legally marry. At issue was whether DOMA violates equal protection guarantees in the Fifth Amendment's due process clause as applied to same-sex couples legally married under the laws of their states.
The key plaintiff is Edith "Edie" Windsor, 84, who married fellow New York resident Thea Spyer in Canada in 2007, about 40 years into their relationship. By the time Spyer died in 2009, New York courts recognized same-sex marriages performed in other countries. But the federal government didn't recognize Windsor's same-sex marriage, and she was forced to assume an estate tax bill much larger than those that other married couples would have to pay. So, Windsor sued the federal government.
A federal appeals court last year ruled in Windsor's favor, saying DOMA violated the Constitution's equal protection clause.
"Today's DOMA ruling is a historic step forward for #MarriageEquality. #LoveIsLove," President Barack Obama's official Twitter account posted soon after the decision was handed down.The case is U.S. v. Windsor (12-307).
From CNN

Monday, June 24, 2013


According to a report by UK Daily Mail, visitors from 'high risk' countries in Africa and Asia will have to put up a £3,000 cash bond to enter Britain. The money will be kept by the Government if visitors do not return home by the time their visas expire.

A pilot scheme, introduced by Home Secretary Theresa May, will target hundreds of people coming to Britain on six-month visit visas from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

The countries have been picked for their high number of visa applications and what the Government sees as relatively high levels of immigration abuse and fraud, reports the Sunday Times.

The bonds, to be introduced from November, will only apply to non-EU migrants, otherwise they would fall foul of European rights to free movement.

'This is the next step in making sure our immigration system is more selective, bringing down net migration from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands while still welcoming the brightest and the best to Britain,' Mrs May told the Sunday Times.

'In the long run we’re interested in a system of bonds that deters overstaying and recovers costs if a foreign national has used our public services.'

A second scheme will cover countries such as Kenya, the newspaper reports, which are considered to be lower-risk because immigration officials have fewer doubts about migrants' plans to return home.

About 2.2million people are granted visas to enter Britain every year. Last year 296,000 people from India were granted six-month visas, as were 101,000 from Nigeria, 53,000 from Pakistan and 14,000 apiece from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

The Home Secretary plans to reduce annual net migration to under 100,000 by 2015.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


After four weeks in the Big Brother Africa house, Botswana's Motamma and Ethiopia’s Betty has been evicted in the latest round of voting by Africa. It appears that Betty's sexual escapades has not endeared her at all to the highly conservative folks that are all over Africa. Recall that Betty started having sex with Sierra Leonean housemate Bolt after three days in the house. Now Africa has decided to 'Bolt her away from the house' 

Botswanna's Motamma has a cute face and persona but that did not save her from the hammer as Africa decided to boot her out of the house too. After the heart wrenching week of voting and intrigues,the entire African continent elected to keep Elikem, Oneal, Bolt, Nando, and Natasha from possible Eviction.

As Betty mourns her exit from the Big Brother Africa house,the entire Ethiopian twitteratti and social media sites  have been celebrating her eviction. They were appalled at the fact that she elected to throw caution to the winds and start having sex openly while in the house. In a rather show of double standards,most of the folks who have described Betty's actions in harsh words have been silent about Bolt. Instead some have gone as far as praising him as been a stud for conquering the Ethiopian beauty Betty. Bolt watched with mouth agape as the results were read and he hugged her so tightly as if to save her from being evicted but alas,Africa has spoken thus Betty has to exit towards a raging Ethiopian community that have been so critical of her actions in the house. Infact some Ethiopians have threatened that she should not return to Ethiopia but rather stay back in South Africa where the Big Brother House is located.


Approaching a man at a bar, Seyi Kolade had only one thing on her mind as she chatted with the stranger - sex. Within hours the pair were in bed together and she was delighted at how her evening had panned out.
And this was not a chance encounter, for Seyi was a sex addict and it was what she did almost every day for 13 years. Last night she said: “Sex addiction took hold of my life.” Seyi, 35, was just 17 when she became dependent on sleeping with men. By 19 she'd had 40 partners and she says she has bedded a shocking total of 370 men. Her dangerous addiction led her to a life of destruction - catching sexually transmitted infections, being evicted from her home and having two terminations. By the age of 30, Seyi had hit rock bottom and needed help. Today, after attending numerous sex addiction meetings and 12-step programmes, Seyi has been celibate for four years and is helping others like her. She explains says: “Sex addiction is something people associate with men, but it took hold of my life for more than 13 years.

“It was a craving and a fear of how I’d feel if I couldn’t get it.
“Once I did, it was a huge relief, like a weight was lifted.
“It’s like any addiction. It made me selfish, self-destructive and depressed but it was a cycle I couldn’t escape.”

She adds: “I lost my virginity when I was 13 with my first boyfriend.
“I was shocked when I fell pregnant. I gave birth when I was 14. It was a very difficult time.”

Social services arranged a nanny to look after her daughter, Sarah, from six weeks old. Being a young mum scarred Seyi’s childhood. She says: “I moved out of home when I was 16 with Sarah and lived in a mother and baby unit. I felt terribly lonely. I craved affection, I was miserable.”

Moving into a housing association home at 17, Seyi met then-boyfriend Paul, 31.

It was now that she began to use sex to replace her feelings of loneliness.
She says: “When I started having sex with my boyfriend I thought it was the answer and would stop me feeling so lonely. But it wasn’t enough.”
Going to bars, Seyi, from Birmingham, cheated on Paul at least once a week with strangers or men she would meet regularly.

She says: “I needed sex and afterwards it was a relief. When I couldn’t have sex my confidence would plummet, I felt ugly and went into a spiral of upset and frustration, feeling unworthy and needing another fix as soon as possible.”
Seyi fell pregnant at 17 with son, Andrew. She says: “I told Paul it was his although there was some doubt in my mind. After I gave birth I tried to stay faithful. I wanted sex with him four to five times a day, but the attention from him wasn’t enough.

“When the pent-up sexual frustration became too much, I’d go elsewhere and get validation through sex.

“I cheated on him three times in six months, then fell pregnant again.”
Devastated and unable to look after another child, Seyi made the decision to have her baby terminated.

She says: “It wasn’t fair on the child to have them. I didn’t know whose baby it was so I didn’t tell Paul. I wanted our relationship to work but we split up when I was 19.”

Seyi’s heartbreak made her sex addiction go wild. She says: “The only cure for my loneliness was sex. I had five guys I could meet with for sex when I wanted and was also sleeping with strangers. I’d go to bars and easily pick one up. Being good in bed made me feel worthy.”

By 22 Seyi had caught chlamydia twice. Going out almost every night while her children were looked after by friends and family, all she could think about was sex.
She says: “Between the ages of 22 to 30, life was a blur, my addiction had taken over.

“I was sleeping with five to six men, or meeting strangers for sex at bars weekly. I fell pregnant again at 26. I felt I had no choice but to have a termination. I got drunk and had sex After the procedure.

“I don’t know how I managed to keep my job as a management consultant. I took lots of sick days when I craved sex and couldn’t face the office. I even slept with a colleague.

“I was evicted for not paying rent when I was 29 and had to send my children to live with my family.”

While staying with a friend Seyi saw the documentary The Secret, about the laws of attraction. She says: “I knew I had a problem but never stopped to think about being a sex addict. I realised I needed help.”

After quitting her job to concentrate on her recovery Seyi, then 31, went to an addiction meeting.

She says: “There were six others there and when I listened to their stories it cured my nerves. I didn’t stop craving sex straight away but cut down slowly.” Since August 2009 she has been celibate.

She says: “I’m so proud of myself. I’ve craved sex but the programme lets me know the trigger signs.

“I don’t plan on having sex any time soon. If the right guy comes along and I feel I’m in a stable, loving relationship, I’d feel safe to do it. I have my children back living with me and feel I’m no longer a sex addict.

“I’d hate to think where my life would be now if I hadn’t sought help.”
Despite her recovery, Seyi lives with the guilt of her addiction. She says: “I could have passed on STIs, I had two terminations and my kids didn’t have the attention they deserved.

“I’ve now trained as an inspirational speaker and happiness advocate. At workshops and seminars I can help others understand what sex addiction is, where it comes from and recovery.
“Being celibate has given me my life back. I want to help others do the same.”

If you suffer from sex addiction and need help, visit Seyi’s website –

Source: The Sun UK


Joseph Mbu is a real insult to democracy, insult for the constitution, insult for the people of Rivers state and insult for the office of governor which is more powerful and recognized by the people's vote. The reason for this acerbic comment is the recent war of words over the crisis in Rivers State.
The state Commissioner of Police, Joseph Mbu recently gave a press conference, describing the Governor, Mr. Chibuike Amaechi, as a dictator who wished everybody to bow to his whims and caprices. I am pretty sure that the commissioner could have used appropriate channels to air his grievances rather than calling Amaechi all sorts of names. I do not support Amaechi as i see him as one of the ruling elites that is holding Nigeria hostage due to their actions. But we have to address issues dispassionately whether we like an individual or not.The rather crazy constitution which we are using clearly states that the Governor's are the Chief Security officers of the state,why is the commissioner insisting that he must chair the security meetings in  Rivers state. Also to show how we get caught up in stupid ego tripping that will not benefit any one,the commissioner insists that anyone calling him from the Governor's office has to be of a certain rank before he can respond. That singular assertion summarizes what is the main problem with folks in authority in Nigeria!!!
The commissioner spoke at a press briefing in Port Harcourt, in reaction to Amaechi’s claim that he had stopped holding security meetings because Mbu leaked proceedings of meetings to outsiders.
“Our governor is very tyrannical, he is a dictator. He wants everybody to say yes sir to him and I said I will not say so. I am a professional,” Mbu said.

He added that contrary to the claims of the governor, there had not been any security meeting in the state since he assumed office and challenged the governor to show proof of such meetings.

“We have never held a formal security meeting in this state since I came. There has never been any formal letter written to convene security meeting in this state since I came. Letters for such meetings go to the security commanders indicating that there will be a security meeting with the governor or his deputy. Attached to the letter are the agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting. I ask the governor to produce such.

“What the governor does is to ask his security officer to call the Commissioner of Police for a meeting. These people are below the rank of a DCP (Deputy Commissioner of Police). I stopped them recently from calling my line because there are channels of communication. There is an Inspector General of Police’s directive that after every Security Council meeting details must be sent by hand to the IG,” he said.

He explained that he had also had issues with Amaechi over who presides over security meetings.

“One issue I have had with the governor is who chairs internal security meetings in the state. He (governor) said we should rotate it; but I said no, there is a letter from the NSA on this. It is the Commissioner of Police that does. I told him if my predecessors did not do what was right, I won’t follow them. The Commissioner of Police is to chair the forum and assume responsibility to brief the governor. I told him the IG has so many sources of information. I told the governor that my loyalty to him is total,” he said.

Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.

“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
The commissioner spoke at a press briefing in Port Harcourt, in reaction to Amaechi’s claim that he had stopped holding security meetings because Mbu leaked proceedings of meetings to outsiders.
“Our governor is very tyrannical, he is a dictator. He wants everybody to say yes sir to him and I said I will not say so. I am a professional,” Mbu said.
He added that contrary to the claims of the governor, there had not been any security meeting in the state since he assumed office and challenged the governor to show proof of such meetings.

“We have never held a formal security meeting in this state since I came. There has never been any formal letter written to convene security meeting in this state since I came. Letters for such meetings go to the security commanders indicating that there will be a security meeting with the governor or his deputy. Attached to the letter are the agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting. I ask the governor to produce such.

“What the governor does is to ask his security officer to call the Commissioner of Police for a meeting. These people are below the rank of a DCP (Deputy Commissioner of Police). I stopped them recently from calling my line because there are channels of communication. There is an Inspector General of Police’s directive that after every Security Council meeting details must be sent by hand to the IG,” he said.

He explained that he had also had issues with Amaechi over who presides over security meetings.

“One issue I have had with the governor is who chairs internal security meetings in the state. He (governor) said we should rotate it; but I said no, there is a letter from the NSA on this. It is the Commissioner of Police that does. I told him if my predecessors did not do what was right, I won’t follow them. The Commissioner of Police is to chair the forum and assume responsibility to brief the governor. I told him the IG has so many sources of information. I told the governor that my loyalty to him is total,” he said.

Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.

“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
He added that contrary to the claims of the governor, there had not been any security meeting in the state since he assumed office and challenged the governor to show proof of such meetings.
“We have never held a formal security meeting in this state since I came. There has never been any formal letter written to convene security meeting in this state since I came. Letters for such meetings go to the security commanders indicating that there will be a security meeting with the governor or his deputy. Attached to the letter are the agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting. I ask the governor to produce such.

“What the governor does is to ask his security officer to call the Commissioner of Police for a meeting. These people are below the rank of a DCP (Deputy Commissioner of Police). I stopped them recently from calling my line because there are channels of communication. There is an Inspector General of Police’s directive that after every Security Council meeting details must be sent by hand to the IG,” he said.

He explained that he had also had issues with Amaechi over who presides over security meetings.

“One issue I have had with the governor is who chairs internal security meetings in the state. He (governor) said we should rotate it; but I said no, there is a letter from the NSA on this. It is the Commissioner of Police that does. I told him if my predecessors did not do what was right, I won’t follow them. The Commissioner of Police is to chair the forum and assume responsibility to brief the governor. I told him the IG has so many sources of information. I told the governor that my loyalty to him is total,” he said.

Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.

“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
“We have never held a formal security meeting in this state since I came. There has never been any formal letter written to convene security meeting in this state since I came. Letters for such meetings go to the security commanders indicating that there will be a security meeting with the governor or his deputy. Attached to the letter are the agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting. I ask the governor to produce such.
“What the governor does is to ask his security officer to call the Commissioner of Police for a meeting. These people are below the rank of a DCP (Deputy Commissioner of Police). I stopped them recently from calling my line because there are channels of communication. There is an Inspector General of Police’s directive that after every Security Council meeting details must be sent by hand to the IG,” he said.

He explained that he had also had issues with Amaechi over who presides over security meetings.

“One issue I have had with the governor is who chairs internal security meetings in the state. He (governor) said we should rotate it; but I said no, there is a letter from the NSA on this. It is the Commissioner of Police that does. I told him if my predecessors did not do what was right, I won’t follow them. The Commissioner of Police is to chair the forum and assume responsibility to brief the governor. I told him the IG has so many sources of information. I told the governor that my loyalty to him is total,” he said.

Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.

“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
“What the governor does is to ask his security officer to call the Commissioner of Police for a meeting. These people are below the rank of a DCP (Deputy Commissioner of Police). I stopped them recently from calling my line because there are channels of communication. There is an Inspector General of Police’s directive that after every Security Council meeting details must be sent by hand to the IG,” he said.
He explained that he had also had issues with Amaechi over who presides over security meetings.

“One issue I have had with the governor is who chairs internal security meetings in the state. He (governor) said we should rotate it; but I said no, there is a letter from the NSA on this. It is the Commissioner of Police that does. I told him if my predecessors did not do what was right, I won’t follow them. The Commissioner of Police is to chair the forum and assume responsibility to brief the governor. I told him the IG has so many sources of information. I told the governor that my loyalty to him is total,” he said.

Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.

“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
He explained that he had also had issues with Amaechi over who presides over security meetings.
“One issue I have had with the governor is who chairs internal security meetings in the state. He (governor) said we should rotate it; but I said no, there is a letter from the NSA on this. It is the Commissioner of Police that does. I told him if my predecessors did not do what was right, I won’t follow them. The Commissioner of Police is to chair the forum and assume responsibility to brief the governor. I told him the IG has so many sources of information. I told the governor that my loyalty to him is total,” he said.

Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.

“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
“One issue I have had with the governor is who chairs internal security meetings in the state. He (governor) said we should rotate it; but I said no, there is a letter from the NSA on this. It is the Commissioner of Police that does. I told him if my predecessors did not do what was right, I won’t follow them. The Commissioner of Police is to chair the forum and assume responsibility to brief the governor. I told him the IG has so many sources of information. I told the governor that my loyalty to him is total,” he said.
Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.

“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
Mbu also disagreed with Amaechi’s claim that there had been an increase in crime since he assumed office in the state, urging him not to involve him in the politics of the state.
“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.

On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
“I will speak statistically on the crime wave and how it has reduced. I am a core professional police officer. I will beg the governor not to drag my name into politics. Nobody can influence me. It is only my conscience that can. I believe in God and I trust in God,” he said.
On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.

“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
On his efforts to reduce crime in the state, Mbu said: “I have refurbished 12 Hilux on my own. The crime rate has dropped in the state. There have been tremendous changes. I spent six months in Oyo State. And the State House of Assembly held a special session to honour me. I have respect for the office of the governor and the governor of the state. But let him also have respect for the police and me.
“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.

“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
“The equipment the state government bought for tracking of kidnappers they gave to the State Security Service (SSS). I have tried to ask for the one meant for the police.
“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”

On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
“I called this press briefing to speak on the very unpleasant reactions that are coming from the governor of Rivers State. The office of the governor is a revered office, it has respect. It is not an office that should be commonised (sic). Sometimes, silence is golden but sometimes it is misconstrued. I have respect for Governor Amaechi but his attacks on me are going beyond bounds. I am not here for any agenda. I don’t know why His Excellency has chosen the warpath with me.”
On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.

“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
On the face-off between the police and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Chief Tony Okocha, Mbu said: “The Chief of Staff to the governor has gone to court asking the court to restrain the police from arresting him. I am not ready for him yet because no court can grant such order.
“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”
“He threatened the live of the president of the place (Port Harcourt Club). That is why police are protecting the place (the club). A new circular is coming on who and who are entitled to police protection. There has been an attempt on the life of the president of Port Harcourt club twice.”

Mbu, who has had a frosty relationship with the governor since his posting to the state last April, said his problem with Amaechi stemmed from his (Mbu’s) refusal to bend the rules.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


The recent loss by the Super Eagles of Nigeria to Uruguay in the FIFA confederation cup just revealed how immature and unprofessional our boys can be sometimes. It appears that they are hardwired to press the self destruct button whenever you expect a lot from them. They should have beaten Uruguay if only they had not made some school boy mistakes during the game. The two central defenders seem to be unable to handle zonal marking very well as they were ball watching when the Uruguayan captain slipped in to score the first goal.  We needed to push the ball quicker and be sharper  in attack to be successful  in that game but we did not do that. Our boys showed no pace in their passes, coupled with the fact that we were not shooting at the target during the entire duration of the match.There were too many unnecessary passes in the final third of the pitch thus making our attack to be predictable all the time. Perhaps the game would have been different with Moses, Emenike and Onazi in the line up. We are not beating Spain so lets just look forward to qualifying for the world cup.


Chinedu Ifedigbo is the Nigerian man deported from Kenya by the authorities based on unsubstantiated charges that he is a drug dealer. He was married to a Kenyan woman Joyce Akinyi and their salacious divorce captivated the Kenyan media as Joyce was caught having an affair with a Kenya high placed government official. Chinedu had a bitter legal battle as his ex-wife attempted to collect all their assets which was valued to be around five million US dollars. Recently,the internet was awash with news that an unnamed witness came out to claim that Chinedu is a drug dealer.I am not putting up a defense for or against Chinedu or anybody else for that matter,the identity of this witness is suspect. For instance, He claims he works for an International Organization in Kenya yet his written English is suspect. May we know what he works for this Organization as? Every man has his friends and foes. You really do not know them all until the situation arises. To start with, what was the status of Chinedu in Kenya given that he was once married to a Kenyan? Was there a prima facie case against him and if so was he actually tried before deportation. The claim of the witness that Chinedu had been deported severally in the past only to return under false names is nothing but blatant lies.It does not make sense at all.If that was the case, the Kenyan Government would have jailed him for forgery, impersonation and illegal entry. Considering his status, i do not think it would have been difficult to smoke him out. This account was written in bad faith and should be ignored by reasonable minds.The so called witness doesn't have a name. Chinedu have a pending case in court with Kenya police, why don't the police wait for the law to take its cause before bundling Chinedu into a chartered flight and deported him back to Nigeria.  Anyway, the chartered flight has been grounded here in Nigeria till further notice. The eyewitness account is below and i have also attached a you tube clip of an interview that Chinedu granted to a Kenyan TV recently after the so called witness statement.

See the account of the Eye witness below:
Mr Anthony Chinedu Ifedigbo, a Nigerian businessman who recently claims his Kenyan wife plots his deportation in order to inherit his properties might have some skeletons in his cupboard. If you missed the exclusive interview, read it here. Several Nigerians living in Kenya have accused him of being a drug dealer. Hear what a Nigerian living in Kenya who has been following the case closely said about him;
I think Chinedu is lying,I am a Nigerian citizen working with one international organization in Kenya. I have been living and working in Kenya for the past 8 years and I know much about Chinedu case, the guy is one of the don in the drug world. He has been having series of cases with Kenya government in the area of drug issues,thou he has issues with his Kenya wife which they are both in drug business together. In fact in 2008, his ex-wife and the politician boyfriend were arrested in India with drug related issue, later we find out that it was Chinedu that set them up in India. To be sincere it’s a pity that many of our guys are spoiling our image in foreign land,they are doing all sorts of illegal business like drugs and credit card scam. This is the guy that have used the drug money to have a large investment that runs to billions of Naira in Kenya. Talking about not getting support from the Nigerian embassy in Kenya, the new Nigerian ambassador is a good diplomatic man who doesn’t follow his predecessor whom we all know that he used to support this baron guys. Our image in Kenya is so bad to the extend that they look at all of us a drug baron or 419. Take for instance one of Chinedu boys Adebiyi Fatai was arrested with large number of heroin at a night club and was traced to Chinedu. If you want a reference you can check online one of the Kenya newspaper called the star of May 4 2013, you will see where the case of Fatai and Chinedu case was exposed.
To put another information to my fellow Nigeria, it’s not only Chinedu and Nigerian that was deported, they deported Ghanian, Cameronian, Congloese and a Guinea man. Lastly, every sovereign nations has power to deport whom ever they find that want to jeopardize their national security. This is not the first time Chinedu has been deported in Kenya but always find his way back to Kenya through a forged name and through a neighboring country.
Our image is so bad outside the country and our people are no helping the matter either, the only thing that is changing our image now is music, movie and our cultural activities like clothing. Chinedu should stop complaining and carry his own cross.


 John Kumuyi, the second son of Pastor William Kumuyi, the General Superintendent, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, recently got married. The wedding ceremony was held on Saturday, 15 June at the Deeper Life Bible Church, after the traditional wedding. The bride is Miss Love Odih,happens to be the daughter of the National Overseer of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry in Jamaica. The bride and groom were modestly attired going by the modern day standards which most couples adhere to but the Deeper Life Bible church is well known for their doctrine which forbids marriages from behind conducted in a what they term as 'overly worldly'
Regular Deeper Life folks have to adhere to strict guidelines made by the marriage committee of the church. Some of these guidelines include a strict dress code that forbids the bride from showing too much flesh,adequate covering of the brides hair,no cake at the wedding,the brides can not hold a bouquet ,instead they have to hold a bible. The wedding pictures shown above is different from the pictures of regular Deeper Life Church members who wed going by Deeper Life standards that we are used to. I am not in a position to judge them,but i have attached pictures of some deeper life regular church members below. Perhaps this recent wedding by Pastor Kumuyi's son may herald a new era in the way brides in Deeper Life are allowed to attire themselves during their wedding? John Kumuyi and his bride may have elected to do things differently from what previous church members were used to or is it because the wedding was conducted in a foreign land? I do not know but i wish the couple a happy married life.

Friday, June 21, 2013


This goes to show how morally bankrupt people are in our country. Does it mean one can not trust anybody in Nigeria again?. By the confession of the house help, she was being treated well by her master, so why repay him this way. I may be wrong but if you ask me , she knew one or two things about the second robbery. People should be careful the kind of people they let into their house. If one can afford not to use the services of the so called house help, the happier one can be. This man brought into his house a gang of armed robbers.
See the story below:

Operatives of the Special Anti Robbery Squad, SARS, Ikeja, Lagos have arrested a  female house help who allegedly connived with her boyfriend and two fake soldiers to rob her master of over 100,000 Dollars.

The 23 year-old house help, Adaeze Ijeoma, allegedly sneaked into her master’s bedroom  located in Maryland,  Lagos, last month, after he  traveled out of the country.  Unsure of where to keep the foreign currency, she reportedly took it to her boyfriend, one Onyebuchi Uche, only for him to flee with the money, leaving Adaeze in doubt.

On his part, Onyebuchi , who has been jobless for years,  rushed to Alade market, Ikeja where he changed some of the dollars to naira and thereafter, deposited the sum of N8 million in two banks. He thereafter, told operatives at SARS that he also bought  a car; ‘End of Discussion’ and a plot of land in an undisclosed area where he had started molding blocks for building.

Determined to get her own share of the loot from him, betrayed Adaeze was said to have confided with one of her relatives identified simply as Nnamdi to help retrieve the money from her estranged lover.

Nnamdi and two other persons clad in Military camouflage reportedly stormed Maryland last week where on spotting Onyebuchi, bundled him inside his new vehicle and took him to a hotel in Mende area of Lagos, where they reportedly tortured him and forced him to disclose where he kept the money. They reportedly managed to get the sum of N6.5 million from two separate banks where Onyebuchi kept the money, including the new car he bought.
However,  just when Adaeze was contemplating on what to do with her own share of the recovered loot, an eight man robbery gang reportedly stormed her master’s home, where an unspecified amount  including his phones and other valuables were carted away.

The robbery case was reported at SARS after which Adaeze and two other persons were arrested.  Although she denied having a hand in the recent robbery, she however, disclosed her role in the theft of 100,000 Dollars.

In this interview with Crime Guard, she said: “ I am from Akri village in  Ogbaru Local Government area of  Anambra State. I left the village in 2010, after my secondary school education  in search of greener pastures in Lagos, where I started working as a house-help for  Chief Uche and was paid the sum of  N10,000 monthly.  I lived in the same apartment with chief and to be honest to him, he has treated me as a member of the family.

“I met my boyfriend Onyebuchi after being lonely for a while in 2011. I was tempted to steal my boss’s money and gave it to my boyfriend to keep so that we can start our own life. I gave him because he promised he would marry me. I stole the money so that we can, at least, get a lease of life when married.  I believed he would use it wisely because he has always had plans for the future.

“But I began suspecting foul play after he stopped picking my calls . When I went to where he lives in Mende, I was told he usually came home late. Later, those who know us told me he started driving a car.  That was when I contacted my uncle, Nnamdi to help retrieve the money from him. On the day, he was to go with his two soldier friends, I waited at Mende for Onyebuchi and when I sighted him, I pointed him to them and left for home immediately. After he was tortured, he called me on the phone that he was sick and when I went to see him, he said some robbers stole the money from him and even battered him to stupor.

“I swear, I do not know anything about the other robbery operation in the house. The robbers came armed and forced me to take them round the house. They only got some money in the guest room and took my master’s Black berry phone, his gold wrist watch and other things. They also took my phone but left it at the backyard.  I did what I did out of love for my boyfriend, not knowing he would betray me. Now he has fled, leaving me to bear the consequences alone, without having a taste of the money, “ she stated in tears.

On his part, Nnamdi claimed he was once a military personnel but resigned on his return from a foreign mission where he got the sum of N2 million. Surprisingly, Nnamdi was discovered to be an in-law to Chief Uche.   “I am from Akaokwa village, in Ideato North Local Government area, Imo State and the complainant  is married  to  my father’s sister. I used to sleep in their house  any time I came to Lagos to sell  palm oil and at times, I spent  one month.

“When Adaeze told me about the money, I threatened I was going to tell her boss. But on second thought, I thought if I got the money, I could use it to enrich myself.  I then contacted  Chima, my friend who is now at large. It was Chima who contacted  a soldier who initially gave his name as Corporal Humphrey. It was later we discovered he was a dismissed soldier.  We lodged at Tropicana Hotel in Mende Maryland ,where we took  Onyebuchi  to. I was in full Army uniform while Ajaghe my other friend,  was wearing a camouflage  cap, pretending to be soldiers.

“We tied him to a ceiling fan and beat him in order to force him to tell us where he kept the money. We seized his car. And ordered him to transfer the N2.4 million  he said was in First Bank and N5.5 million in Fidelity bank to my account for easy withdrawal. We used ATM card to withdraw the money for one week  from one of the banks  while we withdrew the rest from separate branches of the other bank. At the end, I gave Onyebuchi’s car to Chima to keep  and N500,000 to Ajaghe , while I kept the rest, with the hope of giving some to Adaeze and keeping the rest”, he said, adding that he knew nothing about the robbery operation at Chief Uche’s apartment.

The Commander, SARS, Mr Abba Kyari, said the suspects would be charged to court while efforts were still on to arrested other fleeing members of the gang.

Thursday, June 20, 2013



Mrs Jimoh Mulikat Adebukola and her six-year-old twins were caught at Lagos Airport carrying 4.050 kg of substance confirmed as cocaine. She concealed 3.350kg in almost every part of her body, including on her breast and underwear.
She also used her innocent six years old twins to carry about 700 grammes of the illicit drugs. Spokesman of the NDLEA, Mitchell Ofoyeju, quoted Mrs Jimoh as saying:
“I have problem of my children’s school fees. I have six children and I intend to give them good education. I also have younger ones and aged parents to take care of. They asked me to swallow the drugs, but I was afraid, that is why I packed them in my body


The body of retired Inspector of Police, Samuel Ekhoruyimen, 82, who was kidnapped last month has been found buried in an ‘evil forest’ near Ewudu village in Ovia North- East Local Government Area of Edo State.

Reports claim his remains suggest that he was buried alive and his body was exhumed after death and then re-buried.

Assistant Inspector General of Police, AIG, Zone 5, Hashimu Argungun, revealed that intelligence reports had helped to undercover agents. Sergeant Isaiah Osivwemu had also arrested one Osamudiamwen Uwaila of Ewudu community.

According to the AIG who spoke through the Deputy Police Commissioner in charge of Administration, Dave Akinremi, the confessional statement of the prime suspect led to the arrest of seven others, including the Chief Priest of the Ovia deity in Ewudu community, Pa Stephen Oviawe, 78. Two more village chiefs and two youths were also arrested in connection with the murder.

Ekhoruyimwen who was the village head (Odionwere) of Oghobaghase near Ewudu community on the day of his abduction was invited to preside over the settlement of a dispute in his domain when he was captured by some youths of Ewudu village.

His children living in Benin had reported his disappearance to the Police who declared him missing after 24 hours of futile efforts by the family to find him.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Ethiopia and Togo fielded suspended stars in 2014 World Cup qualifiers during June, according to FIFA match records of the competition.
Midfielder Manyahile Beyene played for Ethiopia in Botswana instead of serving a one-match ban having been cautioned in Group A games away to South Africa and at home against Botswana.
National football federation president Sahilu Gabremariam admitted Tuessday in an interview with the BBC that Ethiopia had blundered by fielding Beyene in the away game against Botswana.
"We are not going to appeal ... it is a management blunder. We have accepted the FIFA discipline issue. We made a mistake and we need to concentrate on the future," the official said.
Another midfielder, Alaixys Romao of Togo, committed a similar offence, starting in a Group I home game against Cameroon when he should have been sidelined following cautions in two earlier matches.
World football governing body FIFA issued a statement last weekend saying they were probing games involving Togo, Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea over the alleged use of ineligible players, but did not name them.
The standard punishment for a team guilty of using an ineligible player is that their opponents are awarded a 3-0 victory, with Sudan, Burkina Faso and Gabon already punished during the 2014 qualifying competition.
Sudan played suspended Eldin Adris, Burkina Faso used Cameroon-born Herve Zengue, and Gabon picked Charly Moussono, who represented Cameroon at the 2006 Beach Soccer World Cup.
Should Togo, Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea be found guilty, it would have a major impact on three groups with eliminated countries South Africa and Botswana (Group A) and Cape Verde Islands (Group B) coming back into contention.
Cameroon, who trail Libya by two points with a home fixture against them to come during September, would take a one-point advantage, leaving them needing a draw to reach the play-offs.
The matches being investigated are Togo 2 Cameroon 0 on June 8 in Lome, Botswana 1 Ethiopia 2 on June 7 in Lobatse, and Equatorial Guinea 4 Cape Verde Islands 3 on March 24 in Malabo.
On Tuesday, FIFA said in a separate statement they were also probing whether Equatorial Guinea contravened the competition regulations when they lost the return match against Cape Verde 2-1 on June 8 in Praia.
An undisclosed decision was reached by FIFA regarding the Equatorial Guinea-Cape Verde game in Malabo, but the part-island state must have been found guilty as they lodged an appeal.
It does not appear yellow card-related as match reports show Ben Konate was the only Equatorial Guinea player to receive two cautions and he served a one-game suspension.
A probable cause of the probe is the use of foreign-born players by the Equatoguineans with the side that started against Cape Verde including no footballer born in the country.
Five were born in Brazil, three in Spain and one each in Ivory Coast, Liberia and Ghana. Malabo-born Konate was among the three substitutes used with the others born in Brazil and Colombia.
FIFA rules state that if a footballer is not born in the country he wishes to represent, a parent or grandparent of his must have been born there, or he must have lived there continuously for at least five years.
Respected London-based magazine World Soccer has regularly reported that some players fielded by Equatorial Guinea, who co-hosted the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations and reached the quarter-finals, meet none of the criteria.
Culled from Fox News: