Thursday, November 29, 2012


Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso of Kano State, one of the 19 northern govs, slammed what he described as a Federation Allocation regime that enriches some states, especially those in the South-south, but impoverishes the northern states.Kwankwaso said pointedly: “In this context, many other states, specifically in the South-south are today ahead of the northern states in terms of income from the Federation Account. This means that some states are getting richer while others are getting richer by the day and people are wallowing in devastating poverty.”When will the imbeciles who parade themselves are rulers from the realize that the predicament of the North getting poorer is self inflicted???.The north has always been poor even though  Nigeria has been a richly endowed country. While the rest of the country was investing in educating its people,the North has been perpetually held in down in extreme abject poverty by its present and past leaders majority of whom have come from the north. The richest men in Nigeria who own premium oil fields in the South-South are from the north but the sad irony is also that the  poorest Nigerians and millions who's lives are nothing but a celebration of human penury and poverty at the very extreme are Northerners. The millions have always been deceived with religion, while the few convert their collective wealth into personal use. Those who steal the wealth of the North will only give out handouts to the rest of the masses who they have enslaved with religious doctrines that belong to the dark ages. If all of the allocation that accrues to the north is spent by the northern governors on real things to the benefit of northerners, then the north would have been competing with Dubai today, but, its not, it is instead competing with Iraq, Afghanistan, and failed states like Somalia. A situation where Northern states prefer to spend 75% of their allocation to buy Rams during Eidel Kabir, send the executive moroons send their concubines to Mecca using state resources,maintain a parasitic army of clergy on government funds instead of investing in education;there will always be poverty.The truth be told, if the north is a victim, then it is only a victim of born and bred northerners. Stop fighting with the entire country, your enemies are within. If Nigeria is practicing true federalism, this will not be an issue but for now it is. The Northern governors established sharia law in Northern Nigeria despite the fact that the Nigerian constitution declared explicitly that Nigeria is a secular state. When the rest of the nation complained,the ruling northern elite hid under the toga of 'Federalism'.Now,the same Federalism is being used to justify giving extra resources to people whose land and source of livelihood is ravaged due to oil prospecting,now the are crying foul. The North s has great potential in Agriculture which they are known for. Back in the days, we had the Kano Groundnuts pyramids. There are other resources in the North that are not being exploited. Kwankwanso and his co Northern governors should look inwardly at developing their states without recourse to oil revenue. They should think of how to generate revenue without depending on FG allocation. The Northern governors and most of the Southern governors are all intellectually lazy and are not willing to think of other ways to seek revenue rather than waiting for oil money.

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