Tuesday, January 1, 2013


The petition asking President Obama to deport CNN's Piers Morgan has garnered more than 33,000. 
The petition which is on the White House’s “We the People” website posted Friday has exceeded the 25,000 threshold needed to get a response from President Obama. It appears that the powerful gun lobby group have have failed to realize that Mr Morgan just like everyone living in the US has certain 'inalienable rights and one of those rights is enshrined in the First amendment that there right to free speech here' While they are trying to protect their second amendment rights,they have ignored the first amendment that guaranteed Mr Morgan freedom of speech. While i agree that the gun loving nuts of America have every right to their belief that guns as inanimate objects are not the problem,it's rather curious that they have become hysterical by organizing this petition just because their beliefs are been questioned;so they elect to annul Mr Morgan's first amendment rights just because of his attack on second amendment rights. Granted Mr Morgan sometimes gets overly enthusiatic on his show when issue of gun control crops up,he is perhaps concerned innocent children were slain by an assault weapon. In his country,United Kingdom,gun possession is not a political issue, but rather  it is a safety issue. Roughly 34 people died each year in England from gun violence while the US has over 1,000. 
This is an alarming statistic that should call for concern.Something is wrong with this picture because Americans sometimes see gun control through the prism of Liberal versus Conservative due to the powerful gun lobby that seems to have entire Washington under their control. Why does any one think that civilian citizens in 21st century residing in a civilized country need to own assault rifles that can shoot more than 30 rounds instantly? These guns really should be in war zones and not with civilians during peace time.United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crime data suggests that  Americans are living with greater risk of gun-related death than people in other developed countries. From 2007 to 2009, the U.S. had approximately 10,987 homicides per year by gun, compared with 182 in Germany, 75 in Spain and 47 in the United Kingdom. In the U.S., 8,583 of 12,664 murder victims in 2011 were killed by firearms, according to FBI data. California and Texas had the most murders by firearm in 2011, with 1,220 and 699, respectively. California alone is 1,220 in 2011. The United States is a country that is more than 200 years old and the second Amendment was enacted on December 15th, 1791,due to the security challenges that were prevalent then. The NRA thinks more guns will be the solution, so if  crazy people acquire more sophisticated guns and better body armor, then we’ll have to arm “lawful abiding citizens” people with arms that will be more sophisticated than the one that crazy people have. If this argument holds then, guns and children will attend school in fortified prison like classrooms behind bullet proof glass. The rate at which America is going,we might as well declare martial law and hand AK-47 and artillery to all 'lawful abiding citizens' so as to stop the folks who may want to use guns to kill innocent people. If Piers Morgan is to be deported for his opinion then where is  the  petition to deport the non citizen's of the Westboro Baptist Church? 

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