Friday, May 31, 2013


The baby's mother was found by the Chinese authorities and she turned out be an unmarried woman in her early twenties who claimed she had a stomach pain and went to the toilet where she delivered the baby inside the toilet. This scripted version which is aided by the chinese state is rather curious and more intriguing is the fact that the authorities have refused to press charges and have decided to discharge the child to the woman's relatives. As with most likely negative stories that may shed the People's Republic of China in a bad light,the press have not been granted access so far to the woman in question and so are her relatives. But the great thing is that the Baby boy seems to be made of tough DNA as he refused to give up despite all the odds stacked against him inside the sewage pipe with low oxygen and countless number of microbes .Also,American families who wanted to adopt the baby has been told by the Chinese authorities that they are not allowed to do so,i guess everyone wants to cash in on the likely stardom effect that this baby will have when going up as i am pretty sure we will still have to revisit him at each birthday to see how he is is faring.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


The CEO dancers are through to the final 45 in British Got Talent. See them around 2.15minute region of the video above

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The recently disputed Nigerian Governor's forum election results which was held in Abuja has been subject of intense controversy as the losing side backed by the Presidency has claimed that the elections was won by Plateau state governor,Jonah Jang instead of the acclaimed winner,Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers state. This amateur audio of the event was recorded by one of the Governors and his aides sent the leaked video to Naijaman. If you listen you will see that the election was won squarely by Governor Rotimi Amaechi and this should open the eyes of Nigerian that our ruling elites are the worst scumbags that are on this planet earth. I do not delude myself either Governor Amaechi is a saint as he is part of the kleptocratic rulers who have held the entire nation of Nigeria bondage but the issue here is that he won and our President with his marabout sycophantic advisers should just accept defeat and stop being sore losers. How can President Jonathan allow his Presidency to be dragged into this kind of quagmire where he is allowing  his man friday,Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom to be spearheading the revolt withing the Governor's forum by disputing an election that was won fair and square. The Nigerian Governor's forum is nothing but a social club that allows our clueless Governors opportunity to run to Abuja to spend tax payers money by earning obscene estacodes and engaging in orgies with their concubines who they usually carry along when going on such trips. Their meetings and their pronouncements most times serves just their selfish interest but despite my misgivings about their forum,the key here is that the President and his men have shown serious poor judgement by contesting an election just because the person who won was not the President's anointed designate.Mr President,you have allowed the hallowed office of the Presidency to be desecrated by this singular purulent act and you seem to be forget that power is transient because all those who are edging you on now to use the powers of incumbency and powers of the state to go after Governor Amaechi will surely desert you once you are out of office. The Nigerian's populace will remember your legacy as that of someone who is not man enough to accept defeat when his anointed candidate lost. Go and ask ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo where are all the hangers on who were telling him that without him Nigeria can't exist. They have all deserted him as he is no longer in power. Mr President,the time to stop this nonsense is now!!!!!!!!


If the adoption of children is not so stigmatized,i am sure these baby selling syndicated won't thrive as much. It is time that the Nigerian society stop placing too much pressure on women with fertility issues making them desperate to do anything to obtain a baby

Monday, May 27, 2013


For some days now, controversial actress-cum-singer, Judith Opara Mazagwu better known as Afrocandy has been in the news for her unclad movie. While she has been lambasted by many people, the actress has shown an 'I don't care attitude' to her critics.
A letter by Uzor Ngoladi revealed 'his' anger at the Igbo-lady, who has allegedly brought shame to them. Below is the letter;
Dear Judith Opara Mazagwu,
Whenever I eventually meet you the daring she-d** in person, I shall ask effusively: “Nwanne nwanyi, I bu onye Igbo?” If your answer is affirmative, I shall yell: “Tufia!!!” to high heavens and probe further: “Nna gi na nne gi, ha bu cha ndigbo? Is your father and mother originally Igbos?” If you, the architect of w**re-llywood, return a negative answer, I shall heave the deepest sigh of relief and dance with reckless abandon. I shall wail with anguish if your parents are truly of the noble Igbo stock.
Opara’s daughter, what has the Igbos, who pride their women in purity, decorum and royalty done to you? What has Ikemba’s people done to deserve the putrid essence you displayed in that raunchy movie trailer? The dignity of womanhood, you desecrated shamelessly.
You should have converted your nomenclature to that of the an**al kingdom before you set the cameras rolling. Who called the shots for filming that monstrosity that debased womanhood and motherhood? Yes, you suffered child abuse but how does being raped at the age of 19 confer a p0*n star designation? Who sponsored the spread of your g3nit*ls in public sphere with that pervert who wants his scenes deleted after the collateral damage had been done? I hope a copy of Destructive Instinct will be delivered to Censors Board in Nigeria for classification.
Judith Opara, that bald headed bloke was actually squeezing, kissing and car3ssing your bu*t0cks and b00bs on camera while you were letting out uhhhs and ahhhs? You had the nerve to upload same online? What manner of poverty configured the mental faculties of a 41 year old mother of two to engage in unclad and display the se% tape on the internet without consideration for her children’s future?
It is an abomination in Igbo land nay Africa for a child to behold his mother in such intense s3xing expedition. Not even se% starved r*pis*s dare to devour a victim before her child’s very eyes. I hope your children will never watch Destructive Instinct, the atrocity you produced.
Until we can trace your lineage to Igbo kindred, I doubt the language of your name. I challenge your brothers, sisters, cousins aunts, uncles (your parents are most definitely dead), friends, relatives, classmates etc to write a rejoinder and authenticate your tribe. I enjoin other concerned brethren both at home and in the Diaspora not to judge you harshly but pray to God whom you offended with impunity, to hasten a financial breakthrough that will discourage your big screen whorish aspiration. Your choice of career is an aberration to us, of eastern Nigeria.
I solicit for contributions from public spirited Nigerians and Africans. Afro Candy is in dire need of rehabilitation – mentally, medically, financially, spiritually and otherwise.
A psychiatrist facility will do a lot for Ada anyi nwanyi. The woman who can perform unclad, naked on stage owes a psychotherapist a visit.
My dearest sister, conduct a thorough research and you will discover that bl*e film practitioners are never regarded, not even in Hollywood. I advise you to refrain from s3xu*l motion pictures that will further saturate our cyber space with unwholesome content.
Yours Sincerely,
Uzor Ngoladi


According to Sunday Telegraph,Michael Adebolajo was arrested close to Somali border while trying to  go and join al-shabaab group in Somali. He was arraigned by a Mombassa court (pictured above) before being deported to UK. The British intelligence MI5 knew about him and kept him under close watch before letting him fall through the tracks leading to his slaughtering of the soldier at Woolwich. The M15 failed woefully and of course they are not taking responsibility for their failure instead,they are busy reminding us that he is of Nigerian descent. This raises the question as to whether he can be labelled a Nigerian as some section of the press have been keen to append the Nigerian heritage to him. Granted his parents are Nigerians but the fact remain that he was born in UK,attended school there and was radicalized right under the nostrils of the British citizens.He does not hold a Nigerian passport and was said not to have visited Nigeria before. I can't help but wonder if he had won an olympic medal for UK,we will be inundated by the fact that he is British just as olympian Idowu Phillips and the more than 60 British olympians during the last Olympics who were of Nigerian descent. When they obtained their Olympic medals ,the Union jack was hoisted  and the Nigerian green and white flag was not flown. But of course since he has screwed up and done something horrendous,we can now conveniently remember his Nigerian descent. The bottom line is that both Woolwich killers were products of the British society,they should take responsibility for their monstrous products and should hoist the British union jack to celebrate the two monstrous morons that they nurtured within their society. On flip side,religion can be a good thing but when we have the likes of British radical muslim cleric Anjem Choudary chanting their hate sermons,religion can become a dangerous weapon in the hands of morons like Michael Adebolajo who can't think for themselves. It never ceases to amaze me when simpletons like Michael convince themselves that they can fight God's war on his behalf. 
If the Islamic ,Christian and Jewish beliefs are anything to go by,God supposedly is the creator of heaven & earth thus we mere mortals should leave His battles for Him. When Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya on his failed mission to join al-shabaab,he told them he was British and i am pretty sure he was treated specially on account of his holding a British passport and he claimed that he was tortured by the Kenyans (which the Kenyans denied),British High Commission came to his rescue by writing to the Kenyan police about his claims. 
Picture courtesy of The Telegraph

Sunday, May 26, 2013


The mother of a suspected Islamic terrorist who allegedly hacked a British 
soldier to death tried desperately to turn him away from extremism but 
“could not get through”, according to friends.Michael Adebowale, 
the 22-year-old son of a Christian probation officer and a member of staff 
at the Nigerian High Commission, was filmed holding a bloodied cleaver 
in his hand after Drummer Lee Rigby was butchered in a London street. 
Friends said he had been a “lovely boy” but became involved in some 
“serious trouble” as a teenager and then turned to Islam. He started mixing 
with some “bad people” and became increasingly extreme in his views.
His mother Juliet Obasuyi, a 43-year-old probation officer, went to her 
friend and neighbour, a 62-year-old security officer, for help about nine 
months ago after her son dropped out of university.She told him: 
“Michael is not listening any more. His older sister is a good Christian 
with a degree but Michael is rebelling as he has no father figure, dropping
 out of university and handing out leaflets in Woolwich town centre.
“He is from a strong Christian family but he is turning to Islam and turning
 against the family. He is preaching in the streets. He needs spiritual 
guidance before he radicalises himself.”Another friend, Steve Adebiyi, 
who started a company with Mrs Obasuyi, said she was often left in tears 
after speaking to him on the phone. “The boy was giving the mother 
problems,” he said. “She said he was in with some bad group and causing 
a lot of trouble. They brainwashed him.”He and Michael Adebolajo, 
the other suspected terrorist, are thought to have met at Greenwich 
University.His mother was advised by a neighbour to take him to the 
head of the Woolwich mosque for spiritual guidance. He was converted
 to Islam by the head Imam, and taken for weeks of “further training” 
at a centre near Cambridge.When he returned, however, he was even 
more “radicalised” and his mother could no longer “get through to him”. 
A spokesman for the mosque said they did not know if he attended or been 
converted there.She subsequently returned to Nigeria, where she is 
pursuing a career in politics.Neighbours in Greenwich said he had been a 
“lovely boy” who was a keen Manchester United fan, but as a teenager 
became “angry at a lot of things”.Magdalene Edwards told Channel 4 News:
 “He was a lovely boy. Very gentle natured, very respectful to elderly 
people.“He was angry at a lot of things like a lot of young people are. 
About a year ago is when I saw him with this whole Muslim dress.
“I said to him are you a Muslim. And he said yes, he’s gone that way
 now. I said just be careful, I’m aware that there are some that ride on the 
coat tales of Islam and they’re really not serving their cause.
Adebowale’s father, Adeniyi, was born in Nigeria but came to Britain to
 study at Canterbury University. He and Mrs Obasuyi had a child, Michael, 
but subsequently split up.His mother married twice but is now understood to 
be single. She also started a small fashion business. She raised Adebowale 
in Woolwich and Greenwich along with his half sister.Adebowale attended 
Kidbrooke School in Greenwich, where friends said he was a “normal, 
smiling teenager”. Luqman Ciise, one of his schoolmates, said: 
“I knew him personally, he was normal, smiling all the time. 
His name was Toby… Still can’t believe this.”According to a friend 
he and his girlfriend, a fellow convert, became well-known in 
south-east London for handing out extremist leaflets.Adebowale’s father 
now works for the Nigerian High Commission in a flat just yards from 
Holloway prison in North London. His flat was raided on Thursday 
morning.A neighbour said: “He has lived here for at least ten years. 
He is a very smart and polite man, who is known to everyone as Niyi. 
On Thursday morning I was woken up by the sound of banging and 
shouts of ‘armed police’. I looked out and police were running into Niyi’s 
flat.“I then heard them shout ‘No firearms and No drugs’. I have got 
no idea what happened to Niyi, but I haven’t seen him since.
“It came as a big shock because he is a professional man who works at 
the Nigerian High Commission. He leaves everyday in a collar and tie 
and does not get home until about 8pm.”
Culled from: The Telegraph

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary has said he was "shocked" by the murder of a soldier in Woolwich, but has refused to condemn the attack.Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in broad daylight on Wednesday by two men, who were subsequently shot by police.The suspects, now known to be Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, were known to security services.Mr Choudary told BBC's Newsnight that he encountered Adebolajo at a number of Islamist demonstrations.
"When I saw what took place I was shocked...but what he said in the clip, I think not many Muslims can disagree with," he added.Choudary's dangerous speeches might be freedom of speech but they act on the impressionable minds of young folks who turn his words into actions. There are similar radical leaders who drove the youngsters to war and they have never sent their sons to a battle.
Anjem does not speak for all muslims,he speaks only for the nut jobs and psychos who decide to take the narrative of Islam to mean that violence and blood shedding is the only means to express one's self. Granted the foreign policies of the West might be a bit selfish but that is a general thing in world of politics,it has nothing to do with the west being against Islam. The West foreign policies is has to do with politics period and not some grand conspiracy against the Muslim world. The West is against North Korea and the embargoes have cause many civilian casualties through famine,the embargo against Cuba has caused the economy there to almost crumble,i can go on and on but the key is that this is politics period.Choudary needs to go back and read the quran.It is only when Anjem and his followers leave this life, and enter the next realm that he and his followers will realize that they have been lied to, when they look around their surroundings and realize they are not in 'paradise'.
Choudary wants Sharia implemented in UK yet he does not want to leave UK to go and live somewhere else like Yemen,Pakistani tribal areas or Somalia where he can live in peace with Sharia. He wants to enjoy the perks of Western life style and he is still screaming about Sharia. Also why did Choudary not sent his own children on suicide missions,why does it have to other people's children?
More Muslims have been killed by other muslims than what the West has done,Syrian president and the free Syrian army has together slaughtered more muslims in Syria in their quest for power,Ghaddaffi killed tons of Libyans while in power,Saddam Hussein did the same thing and the list goes on and on. If you argue that the west helped some dictators in the muslim world,the question Choudary and his follow nut cases should answer is that why should a muslim collaborate with the west to kill his bethren? Why can't they say no ? Everything can't be blamed on the west, after all Americans have pulled out of Iraq yet the Sunni's and Shite muslims are still slaughtering themselves through suicide bombing,is it the west that is strapping the bombs on the bombers? Islam when implemented holistically is a religion of peace but there are a few selfish blood mongers who continually strive to impose their myopic narrative of violence as the only way to be a muslim and this keeps shedding a dark light on other muslims.

Friday, May 24, 2013


After publicly filing for divorce from his wife,Bishop David Benenoch seems to have made a u-turn and has withdrawn the petition. This was announced to the congregation at the Bishop's church and the couple has asked for their privacy to be respected. The last time the bishop went public with the divorce,he stated that it was an order from God,so does it mean that he has been instructed by God to retrace his step?

Thursday, May 23, 2013


It has been determined that one of the Woolwich killers is a British Nigerian man named 'Michael Mujahid Adebolajo' who dad is a 56 years old Nigerian nurse Anthony Adebolajo. The entire Adebolajo clan is still struggling to come to terms with what their son has done. Michael is 28 years old and was raised a christian before he became a radicalized muslim.
Michael is pictured above talking to the camera detailing why they elected to kill the British soldier and in the video below

The second man pictured below is still not yet identified as of the time we went to press.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The owner of the baby making factory in Imo State is still on the run and i can't help but wonder how the state police have refused to state her real name and issue out her photographs for the public to assist them if she is sited. Does it mean that the police have not been able to obtain photographs of her from her relatives? The conduct of the police is rather suspicious in this incident. The woman's name is Mrs Comfort Ahamefule and she is from Umuisi in Umezeala,Uba Umuaka in Njaba local government area of Imo state. Why can't the police commissioner state this instead of calling her Madam One thousand alone????

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The controversial daughter of former governor of old Oyo State,Ms Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo is at it again. Recall she recently posted revealing pictures of herself on the internet and now she decides to expose her inbox messages with a married dude who was soliciting her for sex. In the message transcript above she appears appalled that the married dude will disrespect her  and ask her for sex.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


A US based lady,Harrina Alexandria  Dembele who claimed to have secretly married Ghanian actor John Dumelo recently gave an interview to debunk John's claim that he was not married to her. 
She claimed that they got married on March 11th,2013 in Virginia,USA and John denied the claim  so far despite the fact that public records suggest that there is such a marriage.See the clip below.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


The Nigerian police has busted an illegal child adoption scheme that was located in Imo state,Nigeria.
The illegal outfit is been ran by one Mrs Comfort Ahamefule in Umuisi in Umezeala,Uba Umuaka in Njaba Local Government Area of Imo state. She is currently said to be at large and the police have arrested two male accomplices in addition to freeing the numerous teenage girls held captive at the center

Thursday, May 16, 2013


It appears that Nollywood is creating more and more movie of the soft porn genre. The latest movie released recently is titled  'The Benjamins'
See the movie trailer below:

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It was a rather bizarre scene in Imo State as a retired secondary school principal was accused of keeping his late mother's remains (Mrs Lucy Osuigwe) in an embalmed state in his house for more than 10 years. The culprit,Dr Chimezie Osuigwe is said to be a devotee of Sat Guru Maharaji and according to eye witness account,the dead woman was said to have been missing for more than 10 years and the son kept telling his neighbors that the late woman was overseas.The late woman's remains was found hidden in a cupboard in the man's house on April 14th by another family member who raised alarm that attracted passers bye.
When prompted about the circumstances surrounding the late woman's death,Chimezie claimed that she died of natural causes. The police believe that the retired educationist may have used the mother for rituals and is being held for first degree murder.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Okorocha receiving treatment in UK –Imo Government

Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha, was discharged from UK Hospital yesterday evening. Commissioner for Information, Mr.Chinedu Offor, who announced his discharge, said Governor Okorocha is now an out-patient. A medical examination carried out on the governor at the hospital revealed that Okorocha did not suffer any fracture or internal bleeding after his convoy was involved in an accident on Friday.

It was gathered that the governor, who underwent scanning to determine the extent of damage by the accident, did not suffer any fracture or internal bleeding. Confirming the governor’s state of health to Sunday Sun yesterday, the commissioner said he had undergone scanning without any fracture detected and that he was said to be in a stable condition. “The governor has done scanning and no fracture was seen.

Also, no internal bleeding was detected, but he has been experiencing minor headaches,” he said. Okorocha, who was on a road project inspection tour when his vehicle had a head-on collision with an oncoming car at Orlu-Owerri road about 3 p.m. on Friday, was first rushed to a nearby hospital before being flown abroad for further medical examination. DAILYSUN

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Judith Opara Mazagwu, aka Afrocandy, Nigerian artiste based in the United States,has been in the news recently and her ex husband gave a revealing interview casting aspersions on her character.

Boltin Elumelu Mazagwu, the artiste’s husband, accused Judith of cheating on him while their marriage lasted. He also said he is not the biological father of their second daughter based on DNA findings.
Revealing how he met Judith, Mazagwu said: “I worked a while is Lagos before I relocated to USA. I came for holidays with my siblings and my uncle arranged for me to get a wife. There were three ladies he wanted me to meet and choose from. While going to check out these ladies, I met Judith, my ex-wife. Because I like fair complexioned ladies, I took her in my car and we got talking. She told me that her name was Sandra, which I later found out was false. She told me she was schooling at IMT, Enugu, which was also false. She never enrolled at IMT. When I offered to drive her to her home, she told me she was staying with her uncle. I discovered that the said uncle was her boyfriend.
“The following day, I went to pick her up and we went to Enugu. After shopping at Onitsha, we came to Lagos, to where I lived at Ajao Estate. When I was going back to the US, I left the apartment for her. I was sending her money, although I had a hunch about her lifestyle. I remember telling her the day we met that my people won’t allow me marry an Owerri woman, since she told me she was from Owerri. After three months, I came to Nigeria and spent 11 months here with her. At this time, I had abandoned the idea of marrying the Onitsha lady I was supposed to marry. Judith and I stayed in a hotel. Because I lost my job and  I got broke at some point during that period and I moved in with  Christopher, a friend at Okota. He really didn’t want me to marry Judith and it was a fight between us. He actually pushed Judith out of the house. People we stayed in their homes refused her.”
He said that members of her family opposed his relationship with Judith, but he ignored their position. He said: “They vehemently opposed our union and yet I wouldn’t listen. It was war in my family. My mum and my aunt didn’t want her. My people didn’t want me to marry her, even when she had become pregnant with her child; they told her after I managed to go back to New York, that they would gladly take the baby from her if she delivered, but that I would never marry her.“When I returned again, I went to her parents; they appealed to me and told me that their people never get divorced once they are married. I respected their opinion because they are good Christians. When I went back to USA, my cousin who trades at Balogun gave her N200, 000.00 in 1995. All these were attempts to make sure that she got an apartment, which she did at No. 2 Alhaji Azeez Street Mafoluku, Oshodi, Lagos.  There was this African American publication called JET. I would put money in between the pages, seal it and sent it through Red Star every week. When Western Union came, my name became a household name at Oba Akran branch of Union Bank.”
He said this continued until, “2002 when she started talking about acting in movies. I objected to that and maintained that I didn’t want her to go into acting. I needed her to take care of the kids, full time and also to get her busy. We quarrelled over it that night and I almost gave up on her, but because of my polygamous background and knowing what growing up was for us, the idea of leaving her was knocked off. I also love my children, Annabel and Angel, so much because at that time, I didn’t know that Angel was fathered by another man.”
When asked what he meant by ‘Angel was fathered by another man, Mazagwu said:  I suspected, from the child’s facial features that she didn’t look like me. When I complained, she told me that the girl took after my mother’s people. She stopped at nothing to make me believe all her lies. She is a pathological liar. When I confronted her with the DNA results, she confessed that indeed, I am not Angel’s father and rationalised her actions to loneliness and temptation.”
On his allegation that his wife had multiply partners, he said: “She had affairs with the landlord because she lied about her marital status. She didn’t tell the man she was married. It was only when trouble broke out that the landlord knew her real status. Also, a guy across the street, named Goddy from Abia State, laid accusations on her. She couldn’t deny this. I know Goddy; whenever I came to town, she would tell me that Goddy was a chief from Abia State and I took them that way, not knowing they were dating.”
One how the bubble burst, the angry ex-hubby said: “She started leaving the kids all by themselves. She would leave them and hit the clubs. I was boiling, but she had gone full circle. So, in January 2006, I came to Nigeria to investigate the whole thing and discovered everything was true. Before I returned from Nigeria she ran to the child support in the US to file a report that I had abdicated my responsibility. She went to the Nigeria Catholic community to complain. When I returned and told the church what had happened, it was shocking to them.

However,Afrocandy in a separate interview stated that she didn’t dump her US-based husband, Boltin Mazagwu. She had said in that interview: “There has been lots of rumours going on about my marriage. The fact is, I did not leave my husband; my husband rather left, due to some gossip he heard about something that happened back in Nigeria before I joined him in the US. I begged him and he came back. When he left the second time, that pushed me to give him a restraining order. I really would not like to go into details because I see that as past and I will like the past to remain where it belongs because I have moved on; talking about it takes me backward.”

Thursday, May 9, 2013


As if the uproar regarding Afrocandy's new porn movie is not enough,the male movie actor who was involved in the raunchy scene with AfroCandy has demanded that the movie be pulled from the internet as he has been thrown out by his baby mama who was upset with seeing him on camera squeezing Afrocandy's boobs and booty. As the controversy rages,Afrocandy followed suit with a notice on her facebook page stating thus:
'' I asked the guy if he was okay with the scene and he said that ' I am an adult,i can do whatever i want and nobody pays my bills' ...Then the camera was rolling,action,he jumps into bed with me,squeezes my boobs and my butt enjoying himself. Now the trailer came out with an explosion,now he is threatening me to remove the video from the internet,remove him from the movie because his baby mama has thrown him out,also his family and everyone that knows him is crying....Pls tell me,what am i supposed to do now? Shut down the production cos if him? It's too late to reshoot the movie now my premiere is almost here God punish enemies of progress''
Attempts to reach Afrocandy to reveal whether a contract was signed with the male actor has proved abortive so far but we will keep you posted as this drama evolves.Also, details are sketchy regarding whether or not Afrocandy paid this male actor on cash or in kind? Because if he was paid for the role and there is written contract,then there should not be any dispute but if neither of the above happened,then the courts will have to step in. Finally,why is Afrocandy dragging God into this by saying'it's too late to reshoot the movie now my premiere is almost here God punish enemies of progress'' I am sure God has no hand in it when boobs and booty are being squeezed and neither does a strange man squeezing your booty equate to progress!!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


We all knew the day will come but i am sure even Sir Alex's fiercest rivals all have a huge respect for the man who has bestrode the Premier league terrain as a colossus. Sir Alex was one of a kind and there will never be any like him again,if there was opportunities to clone him,i am pretty sure the entire Manchester United aficionados will gladly do so. Here was a man who made sure that he single handedly re-wrote the history of the modern game in England and the indeed the whole world.It will be a great shoe to fill for whoever is anointed as his successor. Enjoy your well deserved retirement, Sir Alex,you are truly an enigma says Naijaman. Picture courtesy of Yahoouk eurosports


The lack of thorough background checks on our public officials have been a cause of concern to observers who have had a reason to doubt the integrity of government officials.
Of particular concern is the case of Adeyinka Mafe, the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) lawmaker representing Sagamu Constituency in the Ogun State House of Assembly, who, according to social commentator,Kayode Ogundamisi:

“Was indicted by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal in the UK for fraudulent deception and duping clients to the tune of £695,000.00 aside many other fraudulent claims, when the UK became HOT Mafe relocated to Nigeria.”
Ogundamisi’s allegation draws similarity to the case involving convicted former governor of Delta, Chief James Ibori, who was said to have had a major brush with the authorities in the UK, being jailed along with his wife, Nkoyo for theft, before relocating to the country to later become the governor of the South South state.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


American based Nigerian actress,Judith Opara Mazagwu aka Afrocandy decided to push the Nollywood porn frontiers with the release of her new flick titled 'Destructive Instinct 3&4'. The rather X-rated films is causing a lot of buzz amongst the conservative Nigerian audience who are still aghast that Afrocandy who is said to be a mother of two girls can go the lenght that she did in the movie. We have obtained exclusive clips for you below.

Monday, May 6, 2013


This song is a rather lame but i guess Kanye West must be having second thoughts about picking a lady with lots of baggage to be his baby mama.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


It grieves my heart to actually give a mental man publicity. However in our culture we believe in responding to accusations or else you will be deemed guilty. Contrary to what our "jury" thinks, I did not want to have any part in this whole messy saga. The publishing of my wedding photos was done by a few of my concerned friends who are involved and felt that wife # 2 had no business crying wolf when she succeeded in snatching a man from a quiet,well mannered woman that I am.If we will recall, the publishing of the pictures calmed down all camps and showed Solomon for who he really is to the whole world. It was a revelation to Uloma who may have been re -considering Solomon based on Lillian's unruly behavior. Hence no regrets.What we have witnessed is the effect of the curses heaped on the Solomon's head by other women he deceived (mind you they are many). This is just the beginning...

Solomon says you are a  greedy wife
It’s so unfortunate that a falling man sitting on a keg of gunpowder can open his mouth to tell such lies. It pains me that one can be such an ingrate and a blatant liar at the same time. A man with a mass of skeletons should have kept his lips shut in a situation like this.  

How did you meet Solomon?
I was very young when I met Solomon at the University of Ibadan in mid nineties and unfortunately fell into the mature hands of this smooth talking actor. To be fair I loved him as a young girl in the university. He was a pauper who did not have the wherewithal to pay his fees talk less of feeding or Ososo, Akoko Edo boy trying to survive in school. I was comfortable and hardworking , I went the extra mile to sell things and even set up a barbing salon called “Cute Fellows” on Joyce B road in Ibadan .all to cater for Solomon and accommodate the additional and financial requirements. I met him just after he completed his diploma, his long dream that was unfortunately and primitively proportional to his pocket was achieved through me.On the other hand,I felt he was brilliant enough to go further and helped him through a degree program,polishing and brushing him up as we tagged along. I became virtually responsible for him all the way through. He was lovingly pulled out of his squalor and lived with my elder sister and family in Ibadan Then he used to wear my younger brothers clothes, he was part of us. Solomon’s first trip to the garden city was sponsored by me. His first job was given by my god mother Madam Joyce B who introduced Solomon to her former tenant "Ray Hyatt "(of blessed memory) in PH who eventually gave him a job in his company OCO Industrial services;a company still in existence in trans amadi .The same job that gave him "rap music, posh cars and women" . he is now boasting about, totally abusing the source of his breakthrough.he claimed he ran into me in PH . The same girl who made his getting a job in ph possible he suddenly ran into her like a stranger?.When I arrived for NYSC he personally drove to pick me up from the park to Ray Hyatt house?.Come on Solomon. Are you snoozing?

When did you get Married to Solomon?
Solomon and I had our Marriage introduction in 2000 . I did my youth service in PH in 2001 the same year he came in to PH. The same Ezinne that he claimed he came across in PH. 
It’s so sad and pathetic. I see Solomon boasting that he bought me a car,for Crying out loud I deserved a Rolls Royce and an estate!

I virtually set him up and made him presentable to society . he actually admitted that he was a thug and i quote "I decided to leave my life of thuggery".

He says you are deceitful
Peter Tosh must have seen Solomon through a window when he said “You can fool some people sometimes but can’t fool all the people all the time”.It’s not new that lies and deceit are so compatible and directly proportional. The more blatant and calculative you are as a liar, the more deepened and anchored you become in deceit.
A guy that was caught having' deceived two wives and one in the pipeline is playing a saints role in a bowl of deceit, Amazing!!he started dating me in -1995
- he lived with me and my family -1996-2000
- we had our marriage introduction - 2000
- he accepted the pregnancy after a test and scan but claimed he wasn't ready and said he didn’t have money then ...2002
- he still went on to marry me traditionally and in white in the presence of his mother of blessed memory, sisters, brothers, aunties and Uncles.
The marriage he is now insinuating was a half marriage...Shame!!

Eight solid years of commitment is what he is calling “running into her”.he has got to be a clown.
Mr. Solomon has made up stories so disheartening to womanhood, society and anyone who has moral standing.

He says you have no womb
He should please stop this gimmick that he went to the clinic to confirm any pregnancy and the doctor that once said there was once a pregnancy later confessed there was none..big lie! Solomon should grow up. He cannot continue to play on everyone’s intelligence after he had done the same with with his wives. This is uncalled for. A pregnancy that he made several attempts to terminate is now the same pregnancy he is saying I cooked up?
There is a complete fallacious package glued to Solomon stories
-The same Solomon that had rap music, cars, money and women was suddenly stunned about a pregnancy because he had no money and wanted ''financial stability'' he is suffering from delusions of grandeur!

Didn't he say “It was as far as I was concerned, a devastating blow to the new life I was living; rap music, cars, money and women. So, I told her the pregnancy was unacceptable to me. Besides, I only just started working and needed stability.” he is so inconsistent!  

When was the last time you spoke with Mr Solomon?
- Before this wedding brouhaha came up,he called up me suggesting and planning with me to go for IVF. The same woman he claimed had no womb.
In January this year he called me up crying that he had no money or food and had been abandoned,i bought him food and gave him cash to see him through 
a few days.we met at a restaurant because i didn't want him coming to my house. Must Solomon degrade himself with these untrue stories to buttress his point?
His level of wickedness attracts a big curse. To declare that his first wife is barren and has no tubes or womb when I do. Is he God? GOD will judge you Solomon!
he has ruined his life with his wickedness and lack of regard for women.
“People who live in glass houses should never throw stones.

What kind of man is Solomon?
Solomon is a greedy man.his greed eventually led him to defraud the same company OCO that my god mother Joyce B helped him into, the same company that was his leap board into life.His greed landed him in detention in Moscow Police Headquarters in Port-Harcourt. He was locked up for days and finally bailed by me,the so called deceitful wife and my Pastor. His criminal file is still in Moscow, HQ, PH . Solomon claimed a car was stolen from him and sustained a gunshot from an undisclosed destination. This is still questionable to date.
Saint Solomon ran into trouble again shortly after, this time stealing about N13M from his partners and was in hiding for two years. This was published in the Punch newspaper in 2009.
The downtrend of Solomon’s wickedness was his attempt to kill or get rid of ME. Now, I understand why.

This evil minded husband bought an MTN Sim card to send text messages to ME advising me to leave the house because armed robbers were planning to invade and rob. He wanted me out by all means,he is a coward and a crook and Fortunately for me I discovered a SIM pack under his car seat having the same number that was sending the text messages. I confronted him and he claimed that when he saw the threat messages in my phone ,he asked for the SIM from MTN. I believed him then.I am not trying to castigate Solomon here but the greed and deceit flag he has ascribed to the fingers that fed him and the absolute false condemnation of my womanhood is unfair.I have no choice but to set the records straight!

Solomon is a weakling who justifies every of his lapses with the errors from the other party. Is it not a marvel that till date he still does not have a child? 
Solomon was extremely brilliant in UI. He is obviously brilliant with his stories. Our people say “The leaf wey e dey sweet goat, na him dey kill am”.

One would have imagined that his family would sit him down and advise him, unfortunately he bluffed them when he thought he had some stolen money but He called to them for help while in hiding for two years . They are so ashamed of him that they want nothing to do with this global show of shame. I have a womb,I do not know where Solomon cooked up all the lies he said,he is probably translating the scripts in his head into reality.
God sees all,he knows all and he will Judge everyone accordingly.

This whole saga is that I call “The dilemma of an Ungrateful and Wicked husband”.I want to Thank everyone who has shown some form of concern and I wish everyone well. Thank you.

Culled from Stella Dimoko Korkus 

Saturday, May 4, 2013


This is my life. If at my age I don’t know what I want, then I may just remain the dumb ass that I’ve been called over and over again. I don’t think I need anyone to give me any lecturing on how I should exercise my privileges.

For the record, I never planned on marrying more than one wife. And unlike the serial husband I’ve been labelled, I had dreamt and planned a lovely home and family.

And my quest for this dates back to 2003 after I had moved into Port Harcourt. I soon settled down with Ezinne, my university days girlfriend, whom I ran into in Port Harcourt during her National Youth Service. As fate had it, we couldn’t help reliving old times and one thing led to another. One fateful, rainy Thursday evening in October, 2002, Ezinne came to inform me that she was pregnant.
It was as far as I was concerned, a devastating blow to the new life I was living; rap music, cars, money and women. So, I told her the pregnancy was unacceptable to me. Besides, I only just started working and needed stability. But months later, Ezinne was to inform me that she was carrying a baby girl.

And knowing my attachment to baby girls and not wanting to ever have a baby outside wedlock, I repented and changed my thuggish ways and asked her to marry me, more so that I was mature enough in every ramification. Or so I thought.

And so, sometime in April, 2003, I hired a hall and invited a pastor to come officiate at my marriage with Ezinne and bless our rings. All done, we went home and started as husband and wife. God, the creator, knew how glad I was and looked forward to a happy home. However, five days after that marriage, I called my new wife on my way from work to ask what was up for dinner and she told me she had been in the hospital.

I rushed to the hospital and was told by Ezinne that she lost the baby. I got her discharged and took her home. But I was completely broken at the loss of a baby I had expected so much. Four days later, I asked my wife if she actually saw the dead baby. She responded by saying the doctor brought it but she gave instruction for it to be buried because she could not behold the sight. Instinctively, I called the doctor – both to thank him and to confirm because he wasn’t around when I went to pick her home. After thanking the doctor, I asked of the sex of my dead baby.

The doctor didn’t talk for like six seconds. I asked him the same question again and he said he’s been restless in his spirit and that he could no longer keep the fact that there was no baby inside Ezinne and that nothing like miscarriage happened in his hospital. I challenged him again and asked if he was not the same person, who confirmed her pregnant and that Ezinne had been attending antenatal in his hospital.

He responded that he had not set his eyes on Ezinne since October of the previous year. Meanwhile, Ezinne had always taken money from me for antenatal and had even shopped for the baby! It then became clear to me that this was a fluke all together.

Sadly enough, Ezinne denied any wrongdoing. For three years, I exposed opportunities for Ezinne to simply tell me the truth but she never took advantage of any of the opportunities. Alas! She was not pregnant. I decided to investigate myself and took her for HSG where it was discovered that there were no fallopian tubes in her and that there was evidence of previous surgery of the uterus. I independently probed further and found out with evidence that Ezinne had a life-threatening abortion in 1992 that resulted in the rupture and subsequent removal of her womb and tubes.

My biggest pain was not what I found out but the fact that Ezinne hid all this from me all these years and was still being economical with the truth even when confronted with hard evidence! In frustration, I moved out of the house but not before taking her to her mum in search of the truth.
Even the mum corroborated what Ezinne gave as excuse for the scar that runs from her navel down to her pubic region, i.e. she was operated upon due to menstrual irregularities. I then decided to stay out for good. While I was out, my relationship with Lillian whom I had known years earlier grew.

I was always going to see her in Enugu. I then got me another apartment and Lillian came around quite often too. Gradually Lillian grew from that little girl I was merely helping in her schooling, into a mature, witty and intelligent young woman. So, having taken my people to Ezinne’s place for the dissolution of the marriage – since we did only traditional marriage – I proposed to Lillian.
And, in 2007, we proceeded to the registry for marriage. And that was the day her father started troubling me. He insisted Lillian was not supposed to go home with me. For two years, he cut communication with me. Shortly after the marriage, my businesses ran into a crises and my entire life nose-dived.

There was tremendous loss in my finances. In my travail, Lillian’s father went to the police and told them to deal seriously with me because I was an “irresponsible son-in-law”. When the challenges kept mounting and seeing my life was at risk after I was badly shot, I left town to sojourn elsewhere. In 2010, I gradually re-emerged and we started finding our footing again.

Even though I tried to settle down again, I found that the centre could no longer hold, as Lillian had metamorphosed into a nag and had acquired a fire tongue with which she talked me down and reigned curses on me at any little provocation. There was no week we didn’t have a major fight, whether I was home or not.

At some point, she became religious. And having found her way into Winners Chapel, she suggested to me one day that it was necessary we took our marriage to God since we hadn’t a proper wedding. She said her church pastors were willing to help in blessing our marriage so there could be a turnaround. To this, I obliged. She said she would love for us to wear wedding costumes for the purpose of photographs. To this I also consented. And so, to Winners Chapel we went and were blessed and certificated.

But it was as if that blessing was what someone was waiting for before they would blow the whistle that would usher me into the hall of pain. Lillian became insatiable.

You would see tiny ingredients of marriage only when I could ensure her comfort. Once Lillian’s comfort was compromised, she would lampoon me and tell me my life history in graphic details and lecture me on what Mr. A and B have done for their wives that I’m not able to do.

It’s even worse when I try to remind her of the recent past that I laboured tenaciously to keep her happy. Once she told me that there was nothing I had done in the past that anybody couldn’t have done. Imagine sacrificing all you’ve got, including almost your life, for someone who would tell you it’s no big deal and that any other person could have done what you did. And then, suddenly, she wanted me to quit my acting career or she would divorce me. My phones were always her best companions at night. If she was not reading my texts, she was in my facebook or BBM.

I had no peace. My best moment was whenever I had to leave home for work. And after work I never wanted to go back home. On a trip back home sometime ago, I was praying that my aircraft should crash and I die instead of going home. Even when I was driving home, I was under strong temptation to ram into oncoming vehicles instead of going home.

It was either that a long list of demand would be waiting for me or an equally longer list of questions about whom I had been online with and whom I had been calling and not calling.

Then on the side was a supposed father-in-law, who claimed he regretted the marriage because he wasn’t getting anything from it and that I only came to destroy the love that existed in their family before the marriage. So, my joy knew no bounds when Lillian told me last year that she was pregnant. For me, it was a good thing. Maybe the baby would take her attention away from me at last. Then the heat started again. I must provide N2 million for her to deliver her baby, even though she knows my income and its source. When her pressure got to a head and to avoid the same road I travelled with Ezinne, I took Lillian to a gynaecologist. A scan was run on her and the result was declared before the two of us that she was not pregnant.

This was after she told me that she had done an independent scan and that she was carrying triplets! Even with the medical confirmation, Lillian never stopped her push for N2 million and money for baby shopping. I ended up suffering a partial stroke in January. Yet she would wake me up at 2am to ask me of my plans to raise N2 million for her, even while I was bedridden with stroke.

I knew then that I was going to die in that marriage and had to do something about it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is about my life. If what greeted the Internet and press was that I died, trying to please Lillian and my marriage, people would still insult me and ask why I didn’t take a walk. And taking a walk I tried to do but I did not do it right.

I tried to skip due process to avoid hurting anyone. More so, I did not have the political and emotional will to ask for divorce. Pray, people, divorce is not like going to a grocery store where you go to pay your money and come back with a bag full. What would have been my ground for divorce? I should also confess that I could not find an answer to what would happen to Lillian if I asked her to go because I was more than a husband to her.

So, I foot-dragged to the point of taking the easy way out. And the easy way is not usually the best way as I found out on Saturday, April 13.

Uloma did not just jump into the picture to “snatch” Solomon from Lillian. Uloma has been my friend since 2006. We met again in 2009 at the peak of my business crisis and have been seeing each other afterwards. Candidly, I was swept away by the love, understanding and the peaceful disposition Uloma proffered even as a friend, far from the opposites I was getting back home. The way Uloma treated me was the exact desires any man longed for in a wife. So, I was always running to her whenever Lillian lit her fires.

So, I asked myself why I couldn’t marry her. Far from the evil rumour that I wanted to marry Uloma because of her money, I wanted to marry Uloma to fill a vacuum in her life and make her happy and fulfilled because this woman with a heart of gold who has impacted many lives deserved to be happy.
If that was what I could ever do to plant some comfort in her life. If there was going to be any immediate gain for me, it would have been peace of mind and its attendant long life, not her money or any physical or material gains. I’m not a lazy man.

Apart from being an actor, I have been in business for almost fifteen years. Years back, when I poured millions of naira on exotic cars and a posh house in Port Harcourt, Uloma was a seventy thousand naira recovery staff in Sterling Bank. Today, even if Uloma gave me all her salary from where she presently works, it won’t be enough to put Internet credit in my tablets and phones. Someone even posted that I said I would have ‘hammered’ if I had married Uloma.

What could I possibly gain? Uloma wasn’t frustrated to the point of desperation to pay a man to marry her. There was no award for anyone who married her. She does not own an estate or anything willed to her by anyone that I was running after. Uloma is not the daughter of any rich man or top politician. She’s as much a hustler as I am.

Ok, yes, sincerely, maybe I actually would have ‘hammered’ long life, happiness, inner joy, a sense of being loved and long life. I also would have ‘hammered’ having her sisters as my sisters because they love me like their own brother – a far cry from what my own people give me.

If I had married Uloma, I know I would have had a good burial whenever I died because I’ve always been scared that at my level of loneliness, whenever I die, my corpse would probably have decomposed before my people would find me. I beg to be loved and appreciated. Nobody to call my own.
No one ever cared about me. I have always been alone and hardworking too. From way back, my joys, my sorrows I have always swallowed alone. But Uloma was the only person who truly listened to my heart and understood where I was coming from. So to say any of my failed marriages was for money is simply stupid and unreasonable. The first car Ezinne ever drove and financing for her first attempt at business all came from me.

Lillian was not born with a silver spoon. Her father is only a retired naval officer and the last time I checked he had no wealth ascribed to his name. On her 18th birthday, I bought Lillian an exotic Corolla car. At 300 level in school, I gave her a Mercedes Benz.

Then she graduated with an LS400 Lexus. This is apart from a lush apartment and school bills that God used me to help her take care of. So, who amongst these would I have married for money? Uloma stood out because she’s shared my pain even when it was because of me and that explains why it was a difficult task telling her Lillian was still in my tracks.

I couldn’t have deliberately gone out of my way to hurt Uloma, because that will be simply committing suicide. Hurting Uloma is like waging war against a nation. Is it her legion of admirers I will have to contend with or her nation of die-hard lovers who will be tumbling over each other to get a pound of flesh?

I wouldn’t give hurt for the love and hope Uloma and her family gave me. Unfortunately the same scandals I thought I was preventing by not doing what everyone is saying I would have done is now the same thing staring me in the face, and everyone is worse hurt.

And above all, my own life is now seriously at risk because I feared hurting anyone. I ask all concerned to please sheathe their swords of anger and find it in their hearts to forgive me. I will make restitution as much as the mercy of God permits me. It’s never too late to begin again as far as God keeps us all alive.

I’m a man on a mission for a peaceful marriage, a good home and family life. I guess my desperation took good reasoning off me. Again, I am humbly and truly sorry. I thank my friends who have stood by me through this trial. Your comforting words are like lights on my dark path.
And for the judgmental few, I urge you; work with the truth while the Almighty fixes that which went wrong in my life.