Monday, December 29, 2014


On Christmas Eve, the Owo community in Ondo State was thrown into mourning as the assassins and arsonist murdered the Consultant Pediatrician/Head of Pediatrics, Federal Medical Centre Owo, Dr. David Akintayo Oguntuase and set his body ablaze leaving behind the most gory sight.
The picture of the burnt carcass is the tragic remain left behind by the assassins who obviously took their time to set the body ablaze after killing him. Evidently, they shot him in the main clinic area and carried his body to the room in the back area where they left him face down. 
Not done, they severed his hands and legs before proceeding to douse the body with petrol. The rest of the building on the inside was sprinkled with petrol before it was all set ablaze. It obviously was an inferno that raged leading the building to implode as the roof caved inward.  Interestingly, the neighbouring buildings were not affected. No doubt this was a most professional job that was obviously very carefully contracted and crafted.The Oguntuase family is aware of some running issues between David and the MD of the Federal Medical Centre, Owo. Some six weeks ago, on the trumped up, very false, baseless and malicious allegation by Dr. Olufemi Omotoso that David and some others in the FMC were planning to kill him, David was arrested by the Police in Owo where, upon investigation, the falsity of the allegation was established. We are aware that this same MD has been a regular guest of the ICPC and very recently, EFCC was granted leave to arrest and prosecute this same man.The witch cried yesterday, the child died today! Only in this case, it has even more obviously gone beyond mere speculation into the realm of reality as to where the Police should focus their searchlight to unearth the criminals and their sponsor.Some ill-informed commentators and reporters are hastily coming up with some spurious speculations over this tragedy. Some have suggested that it was as a result of an inferno which was caused by gas explosion! Some even claimed it was suicide! Haba! For us in the family this even goes further to confirm the reality of a carefully scripted assassination plot with arrangements in place to deal with scenarios that may emerge afterwards. However, there is enough trace and evidence left in their trail to follow up on the source of this dastardly crime. After all, there is really no perfect crime! For the record, David did NOT commit suicide and there was NO gas explosion! He was murdered in cold blood in a most wicked manner, dismembered and then set ablaze. There is enough evidence at the crime scene to assist the investigative authorities.While thanking members of the Nigerian Medical Association, who David Akintayo Oguntuase faithfully served in various capacities, for sharing our grief and their solidarity with the family, we call on the Police authorities to do the needful in investigating this matter. The cruelty of the act should be enough to gear the Police to get to the bottom. Terrorists who are the bane of the nation today are no more wicked and evil than these hired assassins have demonstrated.We also would in the meantime, thank His Excellency Dr. Olusegun Mimiko whose officials have paid solidarity visits to the family. We sincerely hope that he will sustain personal interest in unravelling this crime if only in tribute to the deceased prior association with him. Please this crime must NOT go unresolved. You don’t callously make a charcoal or suya of another human being and expect to get away scot free. Such wicked act must not go unpunished.

Thank you.

Otunba Ben Oguntuase

Senior Brother to Dr. David Akintayo Oguntuase

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Bisi Alimi who is the first Nigerian to openly confess to being gay has been sharing the challenges that he had when he was diagnosed with HIV. Bisi recently gave an interview to NPR.ORG and it has been getting a lot of buzz from Nigerians. One of the comment to Bisi's assertions about his HIV diagnosis is outlined below.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


I just received a message from one of our female readers who want to remain anonymous regarding her experience with swinger lifestyle in Lagos Nigeria. Readers comments are welcome regarding this rather peculiar phenomena cropping up in Nigeria. It appears that posh areas like Lekki has a flourishing underground swinger club.See her story below

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Someone has compiled a list of all the celebrity men Kim has either dated or had a fling with, and the years she was with them, starting from 1994. She did confess on Keeping up with the Kardashians that she lost her virginity at 14. Well, someone started counting from then. See the list below...

TJ Jackson (1994-1998)
Damon Thomas (m. 2000–2004) Julian St. Jox (2001) (during her marriage to Damon) Ray J (2002-sex tape made 2003(during her marriage to Damon)-2007) Nick Lachey 2006 Nick Cannon (Sept 2006-Jan 2007)(during her relationship w/Ray J) Fonsworth Bentley (2006-Feb 2007) Marquis Houston (March 2007) Evan Ross (May 2007) Reggie Bush (2006 (during her relationship w Ray J)-2009/2010) Christiano Ronaldo (April 2010)

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I’m not in support of Pastors living reckless lives, but before we crucify Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo, I want us to know that no one, and I repeat, no one is above sexual fall. As I tell my friends in church, ‘konji’ is not a respecter of anointing… Sex does not respect speaking in tongues, it has a power of its own.

It is with a very sad and heavy heart I write you this letter. I have observed quietly this fracas that has erupted and has soiled your name. I must admit, Sir, that I’m a big fan of yours; I so much enjoy every of your ministrations. Though I’ve never attended any branch of COZA, I regularly follow your teachings online through tweets from the COZA handle.
Sir, so many people have condemned you and passed judgment; others have questioned the annointing and call of God on your life. My question to them is whether they were there when you received God’s call.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Crying and emotional display will not solve this problem. Everybody is tensed and there's fear in the country. Constructive solutions to the problem and adequate steps being taken to put an end to it is what we want to hear and see and definitely not tears. God will not come down from heaven personally to stop the insurgence. The first lady has no constitutional right to summon people for meeting, why is she meddling in the affairs of state, she has no constitutional right to order arrest of protesters, so what her problems? Anyway, I want to believe that what beheld my eyes looked like a clip from a rebased Nollywood movie featuring life appearance by the First Lady herself.  She was an emotional wreck to say the least .

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Dr Isioma Awele Ebegbodi,the Nigerian medical doctor who was slain by her husband Martin Ebegbodi who was in his sixties was finally laid to rest. The solemn ceremony was attended by friend and family of the late medical doctor. The officiating priest admonished the congregation at St Edith Stein to live a life that is worthy of emulation. He shared stories of how the late Isioma was a good member of the church,how she was so proud to teach the church about her Nigerian heritage.
Isioma's parents especially the father has been inconsolable since the murder of her daughter. The bond between the father and the daughter was so strong that he established a hospital in Surelere Nigeria which he named after the later Isioma.
May her soul rest in peace. More pics after the cut

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


According to reports emanating from Kiambu, Kenya there was outrage on social media following reports of a female policewoman Corporal Linda Okello was  reprimanded by her seniors over her dressing which her superiors felt was way too sexy and revealing.The police woman had been pictured wearing a skirt which was considered tight and the picture went viral on social media. The corporal traffic police officer based at Kiambu police division Linda Okello was summoned by the local county commander James Mugeria and reprimanded over her dress code, which was termed as indecent. Officials in Kiambu said the summoning was procedural and the officer had been allowed to go on with her duties. “The county commander called her for a warning over the pictures that have circulated widely showing her in a tight skirt. It was a normal issue and she was informed to start dressing well,” said a senior police officer aware of the incident. The officer was on duty at the weekend when she was pictured together with her colleague in Kiambu.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


NBA banned Donald Sterling for life and fined him $2.5 million for racial comments he made to his mistress. According to the NBA commissioner,"The hateful opinions voiced by that of the man [on the tape] are those of Donald Sterling," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said. "…I'm personally distraught the views expressed by Mr. Sterling came from within an institution that has historically taken such a leadership role in matters of race relations."Sterling is not allowed "to attend any NBA games or practices, be present at any Clippers office or facility, or participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team." Sterling also will be barred from attending any Board of Governors meetings and participating in any other league activity.The fine is the maximum the NBA can issue under the NBA constitution, Silver said. Seventy-five percent of the NBA's owners must vote to oust Sterling to force him to sell."I fully expect to get the support needed," Silver said. Groups hoping to purchase the Clippers are already stepping forward with a bidding war expected to exceed $1 billion for the franchise, league sources told Yahoo Sports. Among those groups, Magic Johnson and Guggenheim Partners will be front and center in pursuit of the Clippers.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Captain Sabo Sambo ,60 who is the younger brother of Nigerian Vice President died today in a fiery car crash along the Bill Clinton drive in the Federal Capital Territory,Abuja. He was on his way to catch a flight when his tire was said to have punctured and he his BMW X6 rammed into a tree and burst into flames.In his condolence message, President Goodluck Jonathan described the death as a very tragic one, coming at a time the country still needed the services of Captain Sambo.He prayed

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Detailed insights on the death of two former heads of state, General Sani Abacha and former President Musa Yar’Adua were given yesterday by a former medical director of the Military Hospital, Lagos, Brigadier-General Otu Oviemo Ovadje (rtd).
Oviemo, medical doctor and internationally acclaimed Nigeria Army inventor who spoke yesterday in Lagos at a symposium also revealed how a former minister in the former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s cabinet and a former Kwara State governor died due to lack of necessary medical facilities in the country.
“The late Gen Abacha while in office could not undertake medical tourism but imported Filipino doctors to manage his condition. The Filipino’s made a mockery of his management by pumping steroids into him.
“The President became bloated and was thought by the un-informed as improving and gaining weight. The President’s weight gain and puffiness was largely due to fluid retention. I was privileged as a celebrated Nigerian doctor at the time to advise but there were too many uninterested aides of the Head of State. It became too late in the day. He snapped and died,” Oviemo stated.
He said it was unfortunate that the late leader could build a specialised centre to cater for his ailment, though there are more and better trained Nigerians who could have handled his case better, noting that it was profitable to bring in foreign doctors to spite the home grown, and for what is in it for them.
Oviemo attributed the death of the late President Yar’Adua from brain damage caused by severe asphyxia to ignorance and poor management.
“The presence of a sophisticated Air and Land Ambulance did not prevent him from dying from his condition just as the hospital in Saudi Arabia with all its gadgets could not reverse damage done to his brain during an acute deterioration of his health.
“Imagine what could have happened to our very meek, humble and generally loved president when he suffered an acute relapse of his condition. He was rushed into the ambulance and a face mask was turned on with oxygen flushing over his face.”

Oviemo stated that the late Head of State was “hypo-ventilating at the time and by the time he got to Saudi Arabia, he had suffered irreversible brain death.
“Because Nigerians believe in the god of mammon and that money answers all things, they expected a miracle from the Saudi hospital. The truth is that if we had good centres back home in Nigeria, the late Head of State should have been stabilised before been flown out. Our usual first impulse is to fly out the sick and our experiences have shown that many patients die,” he said.
He also recalled the death of an unnamed former Military Governor of Kwara State who had pneumonia, and he was called to attend. However, the said governor was flown abroad without his own knowledge and the said former governor eventually died.
According to him, “I met the big man sweaty, restless and confused due to carbon dioxide narcosis from his poor ventilation. I only adjusted his neck and positioned his head to enable him exhale properly and his condition improved.
“I advised them not to fly him out immediately to allow him to be stable. I volunteered to fly with him at my own expense to support him on board. By the time I returned back from Lagos where I went for my passport, the man had been flown out. Early in the morning, I got a call from one of my highly placed mentors that “we lost him”.
“I was told that he got to Germany but he died before he could gain admission to a hospital. The General’s condition could have been very well-managed in Nigeria but for the pleasure of medical tourism and the absence of identifiable/recognisable facilities and expertise. Money has robbed many privileged and affluent Nigerians of sensibility. They never see with you or take advice when money talks,” Oviemo recalled.
He added that during the second term of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, a former minister died from asthmatic attacks which could have been easily treated if necessary medical facilities were available in the country.
South Africans, including their top government officials according to Oviemo, hardly undertake medical tourism like their Nigerian counterparts, noting that former President Nelson Mandela was still being treated for a heart condition in his country when he could have been flown out for treatment.
He said many Nigerians cannot afford the price of management in centres that are well-equipped, while some of the centres are entrusted to mediocre due to nepotism or political consideration.
Oviemo spoke at the symposium organised by Mcnext Intellectual Property in collaboration with the Student Union Government of Yaba College of Technology, Lagos on the topic Where are we in the Global Plan?

He also lamented the country’s decline in Defence Technology and Agriculture.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Nyanya Motor Park on the outskirts of Abuja was rocked by blasts this morning April 14th with many people killed in its aftermath and scores injured.

Eye witness account states that the blast happened around the peak period of early morning rush when commuters are on their way to work in the FCT. There was pandemonium as people scampered to safety after the blast. The Presidency in a statement has condemed the blast.

"This morning there was an explosion at the Nyanya Motor Park," Manzo Ezekiel of the National Emergency Management Agency said. "Rescue teams are on the ground"

Now there are some really horrible photos from the ugly incident this morning. Find it after the cut. *viewer discretion advised


Five persons, including a pregnant woman, were yesterday, Thursday 10th April, electrocuted in Lagos after a PHCN high-tension cable fell, causing fire and explosion.

 An eyewitness told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the incident happened around 2.00 a.m. at Oworonshoki, Lagos. The source said that fire broke out when the cable fell on a Toyota Camry car loaded with petroleum products. The victims rushed out of their homes when they heard the explosion and ran into the live cable unknowingly.

“As they rushed out, they all embraced the cable in front of their house and they were electrocuted. The corpses were taken to Yaba General Hospital by policemen from Oworonshoki and some residents of the area.“

The husband of the pregnant woman, who also lost a son, attempted to commit suicide by drinking a poisonous substance but was however, prevented by neighbours.

“The youths in the area prevented PHCN workers from coming to the scene because they blamed the electricity company for the deaths,’’ the source told NAN.

The Director of the Lagos State Fire Service, Mr Rasak Fadipe, confirmed the incident, saying that the victims included three teenagers, a pregnant woman and another woman. Fadipe said that the high-tension cable fell on the car parked on the street with jerrycans of petroleum products, noting that he got the information at about 2.50 a.m.

The director said that his men were able to contain the fire from spreading to nearby buildings. Efforts to speak with the PHCN Ikeja Distribution Zone’s Public Relations Officer, Mr Pekun Adeyanju, proved abortive as he did not respond to calls. However, NAN correspondent saw policemen from the Oworonshoki Division deployed to the scene to prevent breakdown of law and order.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Late last month, Afrocandy had shared on her Facebook page news that her first daughter had been accepted into a university. But right now, Afrocandy is saying she has no money to foot the bills. According to her, she (Afrocandy) had invested all her money in making her soft p^rn movie “Destructive Instinct”, with the hope she would get a huge turnover before her daughter’s time for college.
Unfortunately, she was messed up by the partners she trusted. Movie was released since January, up until now, not even a dime from her distributors.
Here’s what Afrocandy wrote on her Fundraising page. Some people think she’s trying to turn to scam now that her soft p^rn movie didn’t sell.
“I am a single mother of 2 well behaved, intelligent, smart girls. Moved from Africa in 2005 to join their father who abandoned us after one year of living together. Since then
I’ve been struggling on my own without support from any particular person except some friends that help out sometimes. 
I am not on welfare, don’t get child support and not on unemployment. I’m highly talented, I write songs and scripts, edit, produce and even direct. All I need is an opportunity to be discovered.  
I’ve done so many different jobs to sustain us but no matter what I do, it seems like I haven’t even started. So I went back into showbiz which is what I was doing b4 I migrated, acted and produced my own movie, after investing all my money with the hope I could get a turn over before my first daughter’s time for college, I was messed up by the partners I trusted. Movie was released since January, up until now, not even a dime from the distributors I handed over in Africa.  
Now my daughter has been accepted into college, I am going crazy trying to fit the bills, rent, tuition and all other expenses. Please help me now that I am still alive before I lose it. 
Thank you and God bless you.” 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The heaps you see here are not packaged beef from cattle but body-bags of innocent Nigerians killed in their sleep.
No fewer than 200 people died in an attack on Yargaladima in Maru Local Government Area of Zamfara state.
The village was invaded by suspected Fulani herdsmen who shot at everybody in sight during a four-hour operation.
The attack on Yargaladima in Maru Local Government followed a similar one on Burni-Tsaba and Manitsaba communities in Zumi Local Government, last week.
The attack occurred at about 2pm when the hoodlums, riding on over 100 motorcycles and carrying various guns, including AK 47 rifles, stormed a meeting of a vigilance group and professionals planning how to confront insurgents.
Police spokesman Lawal Abdullahi said the organisers of such a meeting ought to have informed him to provide security.
A survivor of the attack, Mallam Muhamadu Yargaladima, said: “Between yesterday (Saturday) and today, we counted no fewer than 215 bodies.”
He added: “Using AK 47 and other rifles, they began to shoot at children, traders, vigilante, community leaders, clerics, thereby killing 215 people at the end of the four-hour operation.”
This is debasing to say the least! We have not finished dealing with Boko Haram and now this ugly monster!

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Nigerian female medical doctor Isioma Awele Ebegbodi nee Unokanjo who is 36 years old was killed by her husband ,63 year old Martin Ebegbodi  
She attended Queen’s College Yaba Lagos and later proceeded to the College of Medicine,University of Lagos to study Medicine. The victim was said to be a resident at Marshfield clinic in Texas.
Isioma was said to be full of life and her former and current colleagues are said to be still in a state of shock after the incident

Thursday, February 13, 2014


LA County Sheriff’s Homicide detectives and Hawthorne Police are looking for two people involved in the assault that killed Eddy Nwanyanwu, a 53-year-old cab driver who was attacked outside a check cashing store in Hawthorne on Monday.The assault occurred at the 12800 block of Prairie Avenue around 4:34 p.m.Nwanyanwu pulled up to the check cashing business and that’s when a woman started arguing with him, according to an NBC4 report.Nwanyanwu went inside the check cashing store and when he walked out, a man walked up to him and assaulted him, police said.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


After a slew of denials actress Uche Iwuji and husband Juwon Lawal have elected to come clean and let the world know that their beautiful union of less than two years and which produced a son has fallen apart amidst allegations of infidelity being thrown left,right and centre at Uche. Also Uche's naked pictures shown above was leaked online and this did not help the marriage.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


BERKELEY, Calif. -- California football player Ted Agu died Friday after collapsing during a training run with his teammates. He was 21.
"This is one of those tragedies that no one can understand and comprehend," an emotional coach Sonny Dykes said at a news conference.
"Ted was a very special young man. As a coach, you have the opportunity to be around a lot of special kids day in and day out. He was a special young man. He just had a passion and energy for life that's contagious. He will be deeply missed. Our players loved him dearly and he was a big part of our family."
If you will like to donate to the family,click on this link

Friday, February 7, 2014


Phil Everly, who with his brother Don formed an influential harmony duo that touched the hearts and sparked the imaginations of rock 'n' roll singers for decades, including the Beatles and Bob Dylan, died Friday. He was 74.
Everly died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at a Burbank hospital, said his son Jason Everly.
Phil and Don Everly helped draw the blueprint of rock 'n' roll in the late 1950s and 1960s with a high harmony that captured the yearning and angst of a nation of teenage baby boomers looking for a way to express themselves beyond the simple platitudes of the pop music of the day.
The Beatles, early in their career, once referred to themselves as "the English Everly Brothers." And Bob Dylan once said, "We owe these guys everything. They started it all."

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Not every man can take the disappointing and humiliation from Nigeria wives imported to America. Wives killers on rampage in the US
An Epidemic: Nigerian Men Killing Their Nurse Wives In America "Yes, I have killed the woman that messed up my life; the woman that has destroyed me. I am at Shalom West. My name is David and I am all yours.” Those were David Ochola’s words during his 911 (U.S. Emergency Number) call to authorities after shooting dead, his 28 years old wife, Priscilla Ochola, in Hennepin, Minnesota.

The 50-years old, husband was tired of being “disrespected” by his wife, a Registered Nurse (RN) whom he had brought from Nigeria and sponsored through nursing school only to have her make much more than him in salary - a situation which led to Mrs. Ochola “coming and going as she chose without regard for her husband.”
The couple had two children – four years old boy and a three year old girl. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014


FOREST HILL, Md. (WJZ) — Harford County sheriff’s deputies arrested the man they believe killed his mother, Joy Ojiabo.
According to authorities, they were called to Ojiabo’s home in the 1600-block of Rushing Stream Court by her husband, Anya Ojiabo. Anya Ojiabo told police he came home and found her upstairs. She had been stabbed and had other injuries, as well. Joy Ojiabo was pronounced dead at the scene.
Her son, Isaac Anya Ojiabo Jr., was arrested around 4:30 a.m. Thursday.  He is charged with first- and second-degree murder and assault with a deadly weapon.
He was in the family’s Lexus SUV at the intersection of Crouse and Putnam Roads in Forest Hill when apprehended without incident.
Isaac Ojiabo is being held at the Harford County Detention Center awaiting his initial appearance before a Harford County District Court Commissioner.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Sensational Nigeria came back from three goals down to beat Morocco 4-3 and qualify for the semi-final of CHAN on Saturday.

They will now clash with the winners of the quarterfinal between Ghana and DR Congo.

After half an hour of parity, Morocco took the lead when Moshine Moutaouali chipped over Chigozie Agbim in the 33rd minute.

Danger man Iajour doubled Morocco’s advantage four minutes later when his free kick from the edge of the box beat Agbim with his defensive wall clay-footed.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


As the media storm regarding former college wrestler Michael Johnson's sexual escapades (pictured above with his Instagram handle 'tigermandingo')with more than 32 men in a five months goes on, a gentleman who claimed to be gay wrote this interesting piece below. Naijaman decided to publish this to try and give the perspective of a gay man and may be help us understand what goes on in the gay community. So readers,what do you think,leave comments below. Thanks

From Johnmaynard:

As a gay man and Level 5 power bottom who is fresh out of his slutphase, I have sort of adopted this superficial "method" if you will that I feel minimizes my risk of getting HIV from a partner. It's entirely based on using good judgmental judgment. Based off of his social media accounts, would I sleep with Johnson? No. I wouldn't because his username is tigermandigo. That's already a bad sign to me and means he's sexually promiscuous and more at risk to bareback and bear STDs.
When I chat with guys on grindr and the conversation turns to hooking up, the first things I ask are: "Bb?" or "Bare?" If the guy gets excited about that then I probably won't hookup with him because he's more likely to have done it and thus more at risk for having an STD. Other times when we exchange pics and after he send me penis photos, I'll ask: "Any penetration pics or vids?" If he sends me pics/vids of him barebacking that's not a good sign and makes me more apprehensive about hooking up with him.
I also ask if the guy is into orgies or multiple partners. Not that I have anything against people who engage in stuff like that, but the likelihood that they are more sexually promiscuous and more at risk for having an STD is greater. So I tend to steer clear.
After a lot of chatting, I'll pose the question: "Are you poz or undetectable?" It's a weird question but it puts them on the spot because a lot of HIV positive guys think it's ok to withhold their status if they are undetectable. If they answer something along the lines of "Um, no, I'm negative, wtf" then that's a good sign.

Monday, January 20, 2014


ST. CHARLES COUNTY  •  Authorities say a man with HIV who is charged with having unprotected sex with five partners may have even more victims.
In October of 2013, Michael L. Johnson, 21, a former student and member of the wrestling team at Lindenwood University, was charged with exposing sexual partners to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Johnson initially was charged with one count of recklessly risking infection of another with HIV, but in November, four more felony charges were filed. 

A police investigation revealed 32 videos of Johnson engaging in unprotected sex, prosecutors said Thursday. One is of a victim already identified. but it is unclear how many different men are depicted on the other tapes.
Police and prosecutors have reason to believe that Johnson’s sexual partners may not have been advised by Johnson that he was infected with HIV, and may not have been aware that their sexual relations were being videotaped.
Many of the videos appear to have been filmed on the campus of Lindenwood University. Johnson may have met such sexual partners through his activities as a student at the university or through social media.
The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office requests that anyone who may have had an intimate relationship with Johnson or who may have information pertinent to this investigation contact the St. Charles Detective Bureau at 636-949-3330. 
Culled from Stl today.See more pictures after the cut

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Gospel Singer Maheeda,decided to shoot the video for her up coming music with raunchy scenes of her naked. The singers who once sang gospel music has her upcoming album titled 'Naija Bad Girl'. See below for the pictures,viewers discretion advised.

More pictures after the cut

Thursday, January 2, 2014


The 35-year old Nigerian who was killed in Gao, India, on October 30, Simeon Obodo, has been buried in his hometown in Obogwe-Umunwaku community in Ohaji/Egbema Local Government Area of Imo.
A representative of the family, Ejike Esinkoye, disclosed this in a telephone interview with the News Agency of Nigeria in Abuja on Monday.
Mr. Esinkoye, who said the funeral service of Mr. Obodo took place on Monday at St Paul’s Catholic parish Obogwe-Umunwaku, expressed dismay that the Federal Government did not send any official delegation to the burial.
He also said that the family had yet to receive any compensation or assistance from the India government.
The murder of the Nigerian during a violent clash in Goa village, India, sparked a diplomatic row between both countries.
Around 200 Nigerians in India protested Mr. Obodo’s murder by blocking a national highway and clashing with locals and police in the area.