Sunday, July 19, 2015


With Boko Haram using innocent kids as suicide bombers in the northern part of Nigeria, sight like this though understandable is a rather painful reminder how Nigerians have allowed religion to be used as a weapon of destruction. The Northern elites should be held accountable for how they have used Islam as a political tool and their lack of tolerance for other faiths to lead us to this uneccessary quagmire.

The question that baffles Naijaman’s mind is that what if the kid was strapped with a bomb? Won't the Security personnel frisking the little dude with her hand be blown to oblivion?  As we start of this new regime in power, its time to ask what was done with all the billions of dollars that was expended under the name of security.
It appears that all the money expended on bomb detectors and detonators were all siphoned off to the pocket of the ruling rogue elites.

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