Friday, July 31, 2015


I am a resident who took Step 3 towards the end of intern year. I took a rather unusual course to actualize my residency dreams as I did USMLE Step CS first around July 2008 and I was about to max out on the seven limit to pass all USMLE steps that most state medical Boards stipulate. I decided to schedule my Step 3 exam in June 2015 so as to beat the looming deadline.
As an intern,I was rather busy and the time to study was not there as there was a ton of stuff to do clinical wise and preparing for didactics. I was given 5 days vacation to finalize my reading and during those 5 days I read like my life gonna to end.

Prior Step Scores
UW cumulative 56%
USMLE Self assessment 204
Real deal 217

- UWorld Qbank: I was only able to go through the entire questions once and I was not able to go over the questions that I got wrong. My average cumulative was 56% which made me a bit concerned as I was aiming for 60% so as to be on the safe side.
- UWorld CCS Cases: Did about 10 cases in earnest and read the answers to the OB/Gyn and Peds cases the day before the test
- MTB Step 3: Read most of this focusing on OB/Gyn, Peds, Surg the week before the test
-I did USMLE world self assessment test about three weeks before my test and I scored 204 which was relieve that I passed but I was till worried about the low score

Things I did not do
- I did not do NBME or Kaplan questions

Step 3 Score: 217

Yes, my score went up significantly from my USMLE Self assessment test. 

My advice for test takers - Your money is on doing the CCS cases and going through MTB's suggestions so you are thorough on the cases and ordering the little things you take for granted. Ie. NPO before surgery, IV placement before giving fluids, COUNSELING, etc.

If you are doing residency try to study on slower rotations or do some cases/questions gradually on hard rotations.

What I wish I knew before
- Focus on studying the areas you are weaker on and learning the format of the CCS portion of the test.
- The CCS cases portion of this test is only 20-30% of your total score which is a huge chunk thus if you fail the CCS part then you fail all of Step 3. The USMLE CCS cases and the cases on USMLE website has most of what you need to pass and If you want to overkill the CCS,the Archer can also help.
- SKIP the stupid drug abstract questions as they are so time consuming and come back to them at the end of the block with remaining time. to ensure you retain your sanity
- Separate your two test days by up to a week, so that you can take some time to nail the CSS portion.

I am glad to be done with USMLE Steps

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