Thursday, November 1, 2012


Recently it was reported that Akwa Ibom and River's state governors has acquired private Jets which they claim is for their state's use. This is in addition to the crashing of a Jet by the Taraba state governor who is currently being cared for at tax payers expense in a German hospital. There seem to be a a new penchant for  private Jet acquisition by Jet flying prosperity pastors and governors. This display of atrocious opulence is so  
insensitive when viewed against the backdop of endemic poverty that pervades in Nigeria. When will these ruling elites realize that someday they may have to account to the despondent populace who are currently docile. I am pretty sure that Ghaddafi never at the height of reign ever imagined the kind of death that finally came upon him. Until the roads and decayed infrastructure are put in place in Nigeria,any Nigerian governor
that purchases a private Jet is nothing but a chief executive with grossly misplaced priorities. There is so much that $45 million can do in terms of providing basic infracture yet these arrogant governors can only think of wasting the country's hard earned revenue on silly acquisitions like private Jets. This is so inconsiderate no matter the amount of propaganda and spin they try to put to it.

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