Friday, November 2, 2012


The much awaited report by Ribadu's committee was submitted today and as usual with what is becoming a recurrent theme among committee's presenting reports to the present administration there is already controversy trailing the report. In a testy exchange,the former Head of service ,Mr Steve Orosanye alleged that some of the figures are not confirmed with the statutory agencies. The chairman of the committee,Malam Nuhu Ribadu fired back accusing Mr Orosanye of accepting the position as a member of Board of the NNPC while the committee's work was ongoing and another member of the committee,Mr Bernard Oti accepted the position of Director of finance of NNPC. The question that comes to mind is that,does it mean that the different agencies of government were not aware that Messrs Orosanye and Oti are already appointed as members of the investigative panel looking into the activities of the oil sector especially NNPC?  It would have been more honourable for this two gentlemen to resign as members of the investigative committee to accept the plum NNPC positions because it is quite unfortunate that they accepted those positions and still expect the populace to believe their impartiality in the entire proceedings. Also,the Honorable Minister who supervises the oil sector knows fully well that this two gentlemen were already on the committee,why did she approved their appointments to the NNPC? Does it mean that the government already has set the machinery in motion for the committee to fail before they even brought their report out? Are we about to witness another report that is dead on arrival? We can not continue to build a nation that has only excelled as a 'nation where corruption reigns'  Nigeria needs a clean break and desist from being a 'kingdom of corruption'
Mr President,with all due respect,you can definitely do better than this because the responsibility rests squarely on your shoulders. Your minister for petroleum resources needs to answer to the Nigerian people why men who were on an investigative panel were appointed to positions in the parastatal that they were supposed to be investigating.

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