Sunday, November 11, 2012


General David Petraeus finally bowed out from the CIA leadership citing personal indiscretions.
This is a classic case of sublimation crossing the line into an affair. When the highly respected General met Ms Paula Broadwell at Harvard,the two kept touch and ultimately spent a great amount of time working on General Petraeus's biography. Ms Broadwell,it seems referred to him as her mentor and he took her under his wings until the current scandal. What most people fail to realize is that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and i am pretty sure that she was totally enamored by the aura that surrounded the General and he in return caved in to his inner cravings by acting as her mentor. Of course,all good plans sometimes go awry and this is a classic scenario as the General slumped from his mature defense mechanism to allow his 'little head to think for him'. We sometimes think that just because people are accomplished,they are immune to human frailties,but there are abundant evidence to the contrary. Imagine that despite Ms Broadwell's accomplishment's she was alleged to have sent threatening e-mails to another female that was supposedly close to the General. The female was said to have been worried that she involved the FBI and the emails trail led to Ms Broadwell and subsequent investigation suggests that her relationship to with her mentor was a bit too intimate. While this is still subject to confirmation,it shows how human frailties is no respecter of persons and positions
Now do i judge them,absolutely not because i believe this is a matter for them and their spouses. The entire hippocritical crowd in Washington knows that if we are to force everyone that has an affair to resign,there would be no seat left occupied in Washington. 

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