Friday, December 28, 2012


One of the pastors at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG),Barrister Bankole has questioned the Church hierarchy for allowing Politicians to mount the pulpit to deliver addresses to the faithful at the annual Holy Ghost congress. He was particularly taken aback by the church leadership which allowed President Jonathan to make an address from the pulpit during the last annual Holy Ghost congress. He expressed concern that the appearance of politicians who has done their best to keep the nation in the doldrums is not right. 
His postings on his facebook is outlined below:
I resigned in   December 2010.But am still worshipping in there as an ordinary member.
So, whatever. I have here is without prejudice.Holy ghost congress of our great church is now a political congress where all shades of corrupt leaders will mount our altar to fool Nigerians on what they will do.Holy Ghost congress is now a supermarket where all kinds of people like charlatans & political opportunist come shopping turning God to father xmas to give them end of the year bonus.
Jonathan was even there turning our once sacred altar to political podium talking deceitfully & indirectly campaigning for 2015.My question is this? On what ground was president Jonathan allowed to speak to people. Is he a pastor? Because d gathering is purely spiritual gathering & event. I've been a pastor in Redeemed for d past 10 years & I've not got any opportunity to sit on that altar not to talk of holding microphone. If because Jonathan is a president & he is recognized, it means some are more equal than others.Immediately, I left camp on Saturday morning, I looked at the camp very well because I know that would be d last time I will set my foot to that Eagle square called Redeemed camp.

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