Thursday, January 17, 2013


Finally the Retired General Azazi and Governor Patrick Yakowa has been buried. It is business as usual again for Nigeria's corrupt ruling elite. The two men were said to have been on their way to attend a burial ceremony when the Nigerian Naval helicopter that they were traveling in crashed. While our sympathy goes to the families of the dead people,some pertinent questions need to be asked if we as a nation need to hold our leaders accountable. Is the Nigerian Navy helicopter meant to be carrying non naval personnel to attend a burial ceremony with tax payers paying for it? These naval helicopters were meant to patrolling our nation's waters yet we are experiencing the conversion of these aircrafts to personal purposes by the ruling elite? The roads in Nigeria are in a state of disrepair no thanks to the ruling elites who have ensured that we do not have motorable roads while they take to the skies in their private jets to escape the bad roads which the poor masses have no choice but to use. When will the poor masses in Nigeria stop subsidizing the opulent lifestyle of the Nigerian ruling elites? When are we going to invest in a good and functional railways network linking the entire country? 

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