Monday, March 18, 2013


The multiple bomb blast that occured at a bus terminal in Sabo in Kano has claimed more that 25 lives and more of the victims are dying due to paucity of acute trauma care facilities in Kano hospitals. This latest wave of bombing is coming on the heels of calls for amnesty by prominent muslim leaders in Northern part of Nigeria for the Boko Haram militants. It is obvious to all that such calls are rather callous,insensitive and it exposes the hypocrisy of muslim leaders in the northern part of Nigeria who has refused to condemn Boko Haram militants instead they are looking for another pay day avenue by asking for spurious amnesty to be granted to the murderous Boko Haram villains. Boko Haram has stated categorically that they want to imposed sharia  in Nigeria  and chase all christians from northern Nigeria in addition to banning of western education which they claim is Haram. The question is if amnesty is granted,what happens to all what they are fighting for?

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