Sunday, March 31, 2013


The Nigerian community in Malaysia has alerted our team that a  Nigerian man was recently killed  in Malaysia in the presence of police men who are by law supposed to protect the rights of all citizens in Malaysia. The scenario that routinely plays out in Malaysia is that immigrants are usually the target of racism and the worst treatment is meted out to black men who are treated as if they are less human by the Malaysians. The slain man, Solomon Okolo was beaten to death in Kampung Batu Muda,Jinjang after he went to assist a friend who was involved in a car accident. According to information gathered from from Sentul district police chief Zakaria Pagan,he said that his men responded to a report that there was a fight and when they arrived at the scene,they found four men being beaten while two women and two children from Nigeria were not harmed. According to him'the victim is seen only to have suffered minor injuries and the police claimed that they noticed that he suddenly collapsed,lost consciousness and died' he told a press conference at the police station forecourt Jinjang yesterday. The late Solomon is said to be a student of  a private college and is 29 years old.

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