Friday, April 12, 2013


Nigeria is a nation where absurdities reign supreme,there is no way a sane individual's mind won't run amok while trying to understand what we allow to go on in Nigeria. I have watched with the greatest consternation as the mediocre leaders from Northern Nigeria have held sway and promoted mediocrity on the altar or religious practices and now that the products of such a primitive way of living have decided to blow all the Northern infrastructures to medieval ages,they are now clamoring for amnesty and our clueless cum spineless President has acceded to their request. Boko Haram can never be equated to the Niger Delta militants reign of militancy in the oil rich Niger Delta region.The Niger Delta militants never killed any muslim,they never destroyed any mosque,they were kidnapping oil workers for ransom and blowing up oil pipelines and military
installations.Its is rather dishonest to try and equate what they did to Boko Haram's agenda. Don't get me wrong,i never supported the Niger Delta militants but they were not as cowardly as the Boko Haram who have brutally murdered innocent women and children under the guise that they want a stricter form of Sharia in Northern Nigeria. When they initially started their reign of terror,the stupid spin doctors from Northern Nigeria gave all sorts of 'imbecilic' arguments that the Boko Haram are freedom fighters,we were told that they are taking up arms because there is poverty in the North as if there is no poverty in the South too. When the Boko Haram was having a field day killing and maiming Christians by bombing churches,the silence or muffled condemnation from the Northern leaders was really a source of concern for the entire nation but immediately Boko Haram now turned their murderous rampage on the northern elites,suddenly they now started paying attention and this call for amnesty became more vociferous from them. The question now is that what about the people who have been killed and have their businesses destroyed by Boko Haram,what will the government do for them? Is it not travesty of justice that the victims have been left in the lurch while the government is preparing another largesse for another set of criminals under the guise of amnesty.This amnesty issue is a slippery slope where is no end in sight as another set of criminals can wake up tomorrow and take up arms,kill as many people as possible and ask for amnesty too,after all precedence have been set on this. Boko Haram stated that they want to chase all Christians away from the North,outlaw western education and impose a stricter Sharia law all over the country. Now that they are being offered amnesty,what happens to their demands,will the Nigerian authorities accede to their demands,whats happens to the cry of justice from the victims of Boko Haram carnage? Boko Haram member have shed too much blood that their victim's blood is wailing for justice and our response is amnesty?

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