Tuesday, April 9, 2013


UI female lecturer Adenike Ogunshe of the Department of Botany and Microbiology petitions Jonathan, NUC over alleged victimization. In her petition,she claims that she is a victim of unjust victimization, dehumanization,oppression and discrimination. According to her 'at a point in time,the laboratory door to my office was locked' The institution's Registrar,would not want to lower the reputation of the institution by joining issues with the aggrieved lecturer.She said that the petitioner had earlier been summoned by the disciplinary committee of the institution. We have attached the recent correspondences from the aggrieved lecturer and the University authorities below.

Dear Sir / Madam,
compliments of the season and how do you do?

As far back as 2006, I have been subjected to series of inhuman victimisation and oppression, while the University Administration is currently involved in injustices flagrantly displayed against me, and at the same time partake in adversely affecting my career. Therefore, as a member of the current Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), University of Ibadan Branch Executive but with every sense of responsibility to you and myself, it is very important to personally inform you, of certain protracted but life and career threatening events. It is ethical and mandatory that ASUU Members are aware of these actions, so that there would be misunderstanding when I have to take certain actions.

Shortly before the controversy of Head of Microbiology Department in 2006, I started to receive some dreadful text messages (S.M.S.), wherein I was threatened to be killed and my intestine to be used to turban me, etc. I also received a blood-written letter. Ultimately, I overheard Dr. Onilude swore that he would deal with me as he dealt with Dr. O.N. Odebowale but he would not make the same mistake of not sending me to the SSDC and that after being sacked, I would also be fighting the university from outside.

Shortly after the appointment of Dr. A.A. Onilude as Ag. HOD in 2006, he alleged me of entire missing departmental results but when the allegation was faulted, he then wrote to eject me from my office for a newly appointed technologist whom he designated as Resident Technologist. He did not get the support of the immediate past Vice Chancellor, Prof. O.A. Bamiro to that effect, so electricity to only my office was disconnected for about eight months, until an External Member of the Governing Council, Late Dr. Funsho Adetiba came to the Department to instruct re-connection of the electricity. Dr. Onilude also instructed that the final year students should start using the Final Year Laboratory for their project but when the students did not obey such unethical instruction, he instructed one out of his final year undergraduate students to work with typhoid samples on the final year laboratory table that I was using after electricity had been disconnected in my office. Shortly after and for several years, I was hospitalised for typhoid. Late Prof. O. Omole, the former Dean of Technology had to heavily subsidise my hospital bills.

When I got discharged from the hospital and resumed work, Dr. Onilude insisted that I should hand over the Departmental money in my custody to him but considering some alleged mismanagement of ASUU funds and a donation from an ASUU member against Dr. Onilude, I suggested that I would want to hand over the money at a Departmental meeting as usually done, so he constituted a committee, alleging that I sold fifty naira hand-out to students. According to the report presented by Dr. Onilude, the chairman of the one-man committee, Dr. E.A. Ayodele without inviting me to his committee claimed that I sold fifty naira hand-out to over three hundred (200 Level) students that I spent more than thirty five thousand naira to conduct more than seven practical topics to with each student using various sets of practical materials.

Having escaped series of schemes to send me to SSDC, so that I could be sacked, I was to have been given topics to teach in three postgraduate courses (in addition to five undergraduate courses that I thought) in 2007/2008 session in September 2007 but was not given the topics until February 28, 2008. However, Dr. Onilude lied to the immediate past VC that the topics were given to me in September 2007. I was eventually sent to SSDC. Dr. S.G. Jonathan who initially informed the SSDC Panel that he gave me topics to teach in a course he coordinated but when I implored members of the Panel to request for the topics’ distribution list he prepared for the three lecturers that were to have taught the course, he then told the Panel that he did not prepare any topics because he was on approved accumulated leave and therefore, could not do anything official but that Dr. Onilude told him that I was told the topics to teach. However, the other lecturer who was to have taught the course with us was not sent to SSDC for not teaching the course. Even the then Dean of Faculty of Science who assumed office on August 1, 2007 was at the SSDC to testify against me that he called me to the Dean’s office (on March 3 or 4, 2007, as dates provided by Dr. Onilude, which he claimed he kept in his head) and appealed to me to teach the courses. It is important to note that the topics of the postgraduate courses, which were eventually made available to me five months after I was to have had them, were the ones I was instructed to teach the same day, the following day and four days they were made available to me.  

I was punished for an offence that I never committed. I appealed to the Governing Council but the former Deputy Registrar (Establishments) kept my appeal for about a month and returned it to me. My second appeal submission was also not considered by the Appeals / Petitions Committee before a verdict of guilty and strong reprimand was slammed on me without due process by the Governing Council.

Dr. Fagade kept results of a course for over one year before submitting the result, so, three students who did not know that they failed the course did not register for the course nor attended a single class of the course. I did not allow the students to write the examination because they did not satisfy minimum 75% attendance for eligibility to write an exam but in order to cover Dr. Fagade, the then HOD, Prof. O. Osonubi made the students to write the examinations and because I did not mark their scripts in accordance with the University regulations, Prof. Osonubi did not recommend me for the 2008 promotion, contrary to the recommendations of the Departmental A&P. 
Neither the recommendations of the 2010 Presidential Visitation Panel nor the comments from the NUC appropriately addressed on my issues had been addressed by the University Administration. As a sign of respect to the current VC, I attend two meetings of the Senate Truth Committee not knowing I was walking to the slaughter slab. I was informed that I would be re-invited to meet the committee but to my dismay, the committee had submitted a report, possibly forwarded by the University Administration to the NUC.

Prof. Fagade issued me a query of refusal to sit down during the 2012 ASUU national strike. Although, I have not been given my copy of the query, till date in spite of memos from me requesting for it, however, it has been copied outside the department and must be in my file. 

The HOD never replied any of my memos complaining of not being given topics to teach in MIC 307, a course that Prof. Onilude insisted on teaching and coordinating though not in his area of specialisation. I made sure I copied both the Dean and VC but the Dean instructed the Department (as contained in minutes of a Departmental meeting) to allocate the topics to other lecturers in the Department. In addition, Prof. Fagade issued me a query that I did not teach MIC 307 and MIC 407 (a course Prof. Fagade insisted on teaching and coordinating though not in his area of specialisation). MIC 307 and 407 were among the basic courses I had been teaching since my appointment, being among the core courses in my area of specialisation.  One of the dates listed by the HOD that I did not teach MIC 407 was a date when students were still at for demonstrating for no electricity in 2012. Another date was a tae I taught and took attendance, while unknown to me, the third date was the day Prof. Fagade told the students he wanted to teach them and to avoid receiving another query for refusal to let a Professor take over my class, I cancelled the power point presentation preparations I had made; however, Prof. Fagade did not teach the students,

Prof. Fagde who as the HOD did not make the topics to teach in MIC 407 available to me, then got the class representative of the 300 Level students to re-write a draft petition that he prepared. He later went to the first class that I was to have with the students, instructing them to write an attendance, which he attached to the re-written supposed petition by the students to the VC. The Dean who had my previous memos also constituted a Panel to investigate allegation of dereliction of duties against me. By divine intervention, I got the draft petition written by Prof. Fagade for the students, which I showed to only the ASUU Chainman in confidence. The Panel had not invited me since then, neither have I been provided with the allegation documents that Chairman of the Panel Prof. A. Abimbola of Geology promised of making available for from July 11, 2012 till date. Unfortunately, the class representative is withdrawn from the university.

In spite of all these, the last promotion I had in University of Ibadan was in 2005, which was made possible by the Faculty of Science Appointments & Promotions Committee. However, although I became a postgraduate lecturer in 2005, I have only supervised three M.Sc. students and no PhD student. I have not been allowed to teach or supervise at the postgraduate level in about five years. There are currently, 67 PhD students in the Department of Microbiology but I am not supervising any. None of my memos of complaints of not being allowed to teach or supervise forwarded to the Dean of Faculty of Science, The Vice Chancellor or the University Administration attracted any attention. Regrettably, the memo I received from the University Administration was that Management showed displeasure at my attitude to work.

The most recent event is the selective ejection from office by the Dean of Science. There are four lecturers of Microbiology who still have offices in the Botany block, while there are two lecturers of Botany in Microbiology block. Similarly, there are about ten lecturers, as well as Technologists whose offices have doors opening into adjacent laboratories. However, in spite of the fact that my office, which was an abandoned junk room habouring waste papers, materials, equipment and reptiles, was allocated to me by a former HOD. Prof. I. Fasidi in 2001, the Dean re-designated my office as a preparatory room to justify why I must leave the office for a room that a junior faculty to me was moved out to a far better office.  The expectation was that my CV would be weak, since I have not been given students to supervise for about five sessions but after submitting my CV for the 2011 Institutional Accreditation, the then HOD, Prof. S.A. Odunfa and the Dean wrote to me that I should leave my office because it is located in Botany Department. On writing the names of about six lecturers whose office were vice versa, there was no further communication from Prof. Odunfa and the Dean until, the Dean re-designated my office as a preparatory room, linking my stay in the office a disturbance to accreditation. However, I have been an Academic Staff in the same office during three previous accreditation exercises, and even being the only Academic Staff singled out by an accreditation team as a sound researcher, in the same office.

My name has been tarnished by the current Administration, such that anytime my name is searched with any of the web engines, the university bulletin that has contains the Council decision showcase my name as an academic criminal.  My previous project students were not also spared from the victimisation. If not for the Faculty of Science Board of Examiners, two of my former students who graduated with Second Class Upper Division and who never failed as single course throughout their programme would not have graduated because Prof. Odunfa who was to have been present at the SSDC that tried me sent another lecturer to represent him, while he was interrogating those students to build up other allegations against me. The students did not lie against me, so the presented offence against them was that their B.Sc. project works were like PhD. The maximum scores given by the External Examiner for that session was 20 out of 30 marks and he gave the two students 20 marks. I gave the students 37 and 38 out of 40 marks but after Dr. Fagade scored the student having 58 out of 70 marks, he ended up having 63 marks. Since then the Department made a law that no B.Sc. project must be more than 50 pages!

In conclusion, I would not have been promoted since 2002 if not for the Faculty of Science A&P. I was sent to the SSDC and declared guilty without due process for an offence I never committed. However, I strongly believe that if I had written to the immediate past VC that I was not given topics to teach in September 2007, it would have been difficult to expressly lie to the then VC. Unfortunately, the current Administration who has several of my memos, complaints and distress calls has not seen anything wrong in me, as an Academic Staff of the university being prevented by other Academic Staff from teaching, supervising students and performing other responsibilities, while at the same time rail-roaded me to SSDC. 

Since all that the Dean has done in his 20-month tenure is to take only actions that affect me negatively, I am expecting the Dean to instruct the Security Unit to arrest me or break into my office, which will be violation of the 2010 Visitation Panel Report. However, as I informed the Dean in my last memo to him on the issue of my office, I am not the only Academic Staff of University of Ibadan / University College Hospital, who is domicile in another department because there is a policy that all structures belong to the university. Also a memo emanated from the University Administration that I should be provided with all that I need to function as an Academic Staff, and of course my office is the most important need to me, especially with regards to my safety as a Nigerian citizen.

I sadly observed several issues and sent a test to the current ASUU Chairman that there is no ASUU and that what we see are just shadows of good things ages past. Even with all the pains of being an Academic Staff, hearts are still made very heavy with lack of basic teaching and research facilities, while publications are now indiscriminately black-listed with retrospective application. One may then not be surprised if unwritten laws are further used to prevent promotions of hardworking lecturers under the ojuju conditions.  As ASUU Welfare, I am on the net most times searching for information, when not teaching or in the laboratory. I have read some killing CVs where some researchers publish over 400 articles, sometimes, over 20 in a year and I am losing hope of being a Nobel Laureate. The ASUU Chairman met with some people in the Department in January 2012 but the query issued to me for refusal to sit down is still not withdrawn.  ASUU is aware that I have not been allowed to teach or supervise at the postgraduate levels for about five sessions. ASUU is aware of series of victimisation I have continually subjected to till date. Still, I am a wonder unto many because always underneath are the everlasting arms. I therefore, hope that ASUU will keep on being busy with amala festivities!  
Thank you for taking the time to hear part of my side of the story and my warmest regards,

Adenike A.O. OGÚNSHÉ  

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