Sunday, September 1, 2013


A New York lady recently came out to state that 16 years ago, her mother pressured her to lie and say her father raped her. Chaneya Kelly who is now 24 insisted that her earlier story accusing her father of rape was coerced and she wants him to be released. According to her,she wants to right a grievous error that she made when she was 9 years old.She was was living with her parents in Newburgh, N.Y. in 1997, when according to her,she had to accuse her father after she was prevailed upon to do so by her mother. The father Daryl Kelly was convicted based on the accusation and he has consistently insisted on his innocence. All appeals by him to overturn his conviction has proved abortive so far. In a rather curious twist,Chaneya mother has also come out to state that the conviction was done in error.

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