Friday, September 6, 2013


How can Nigeria ever progress if the law makers are so 'imbecillic' in their reasoning, selfish,barbaric and totally dumb? As i watched this interview,i still can not help ask how can a 53 years old man come out in the open to brag about how he had sex with a 14year old girl and fathered a child with her!! No matter the religious spin you try to put to it,a 14 year old girl is too young for a man who is old enough be her grandfather!! I salute the sagacity of the Harvard post doctoral student Aminu Gamawa for trying to bring some common sense to the entire discuss that we really need to ensure that our little girls are allowed to get proper education instead of peadohiles like Yerima trying to copulate with them under the guise of practicing their religion. Senator Yerima introduced Sharia Law to Zamfara state and he made sure that he played the religious card to get the poorly educated folks in the North to support him while the entire Zamfara state is one of the most poorly developed state in Nigeria. A visit to Zamfara shows that millions of kids especially girls are roaming the streets without any form of education while the only thing that this man is expending all his energy on is how to get the instrument if the Nigerian state to recognize and legitimize his perversions of lusting after kids. It speaks volumes of the contempt that Senator Yerima has for common sense when he blurted out that 'child right act is for christians not for muslims' Hear Senator Yerima on how he determined if his 14 year old wife is ready for marriage'He looked at her and assumed she was matured enough based on the size of her breasts and waist. So in Yerima's logic any older women that have small breast won't be matured enough for him?...If we are to hypothetically agree with the warped 'peadophilic Yerimalogic' that we need to marry girls off early when they menstruate so that we can prevent them from having sex while being unmarried,don't you think that it is better to give her in marriage to a 15,16 or 17 years old guy.. & keep them in your home, provide for them their needs instead giving a 14 year old to a 53 year old randy man? In 'Yerimalogic' Vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) is not common in underaged girls when the facts are there for all to see that it is so rampant in Northern Nigeria because of this nonsense of under age marriage!!! In 'Yerimalogic' if his 14 year old wife can give birth successfully without VVF it is not about age. Well Senator,you can afford to use your stolen loot to buy the best obstetrician to cater to her needs. Who knows if she delivered via ceasarian section? The poor folks who are encouraged partake in this curse of child marriage may not be able to afford such and will end up with VVF.
Professor Ishaq Akintola, just kept yelling at any slightest chance,he had no coherence to his arguments . I am tempted to ask how did he obtained his Professorial Chair  if all he can bring is unnecessary combativeness with illogical  and unintelligent reasoning. This so called Professor did not know the full meaning of Vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) yet when he was asked by the moderator to define it so that the international audience who may not know the meaning will know what it meant he elected to pull another 'my Oga at the top conumdrum' by refusing to acknowledge the fact that he does not know the answer. Why did he not just own up and say,i do not know instead of saying' they all know the meaning" Also,what is Professor Ishaq Akintola rambling about regarding the age of marriage being 13 in America?He must be ignorant of what obtains in America which he emphatically states to know.He just managed to display his Professorial ignorance. Can someone educate him that the legal age to marry in USA is 18, not 13 like he claiming with so much confidence. 
Stella gave a good and eloquent explanation on why she is against child marriage.

It is rather pathetic that people who occupy position of authority are only thinking about their own sexual gratification. What a shame. This issue is not about Islam, it is about common sense. The argument that Christians should not butt into affairs of Muslims is rather asinine. The Senator keeps saying that Islamic law recognizes his perversions,i would like to remind him that Nigeria is a secular state and as such there are numerous religious groups recognized under Nigerian constitution. Infact,Okija Shrine religious recognizes the use of human remains to perform rituals. Its is their right to have their religious belief but the law of Nigeria makes it illegal to desecrate human remains thus the Okija Shrine was destroyed by the state. I wonder what will happen if we allow all illegalities to hold sway in Nigeria just because some idiot claims that his religion supports it.

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