Sunday, April 27, 2014


Captain Sabo Sambo ,60 who is the younger brother of Nigerian Vice President died today in a fiery car crash along the Bill Clinton drive in the Federal Capital Territory,Abuja. He was on his way to catch a flight when his tire was said to have punctured and he his BMW X6 rammed into a tree and burst into flames.In his condolence message, President Goodluck Jonathan described the death as a very tragic one, coming at a time the country still needed the services of Captain Sambo.He prayed
that God would grant his soul eternal rest and asked the Vice President, the family, the government and people of Kaduna State to bear the loss with fortitude.The Vice President was away in Tanzania on an official visit when the news broke that the younger brother had passed on.The burial had already taken place according to Islamic rites.Many friends and well-wishers gathered at the Vice President’s residence to console him on the tragic loss.Among those who came to condole him were President Goodluck Jonathan, the First Lady, Mrs patience Jonathan and many other government officials.The Chief Imam of the Abuja Mosque led in a short prayer for the repose of the soul of the departed.Vice President Sambo described his brother, whom he said had gone back to God, as one of the best pilots in the country.Captain Sambo was a retired Air Force Pilot and had served with the Presidential Air Fleet before moving into private practice.The prayer is that God will grant him eternal rest and the family the fortitude to bear the loss.
Culled from Chanelsweb

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