Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Matters Arising From The Different Press Statements by Sambo Dasuki & The DSS.

Two sides to a story:

This is what is left of Sambo Dasuki's Asokoro residence after the siege by the DSS.

In a Press Statement by Sambo Dasuki the embattled ex-NSA, 9 cars, 3 rifles and $40,000 USD was confiscated by the DSS operatives who stormed his house in Asokoro, Gestapo style.
The SSS has also put out a Press Statement. In their submission 12 exotic cars out of which 5 are bullet proof, 7 high calibre assault rifles, military vests, gears with several incriminating evidence were recovered from Sambo Dasuki's house in Asokoro. 
Naijaman feel that there is a lot of inconsistencies in the story peddled by both sides:

1) $40,000 mentioned by Sambo Dasuki in his press statement was curiously missing from that of the SSS? Does it mean that the money has been appropriated by the goons from SSS or is Sambo Dasuki lying.

2) Sambo Dasuki said 9 cars were taken away from his house while the SSS said they removed 12 exotic cars, 5 of which are bulletproof. Is it that Sambo Dasuki does not know the number of cars he has or did the SSS in its magnanimity elected to bequeath him extra vehicles? 

3) Sambo Dasuki said they took 3 rifles from his house whereas the DSS said that they recovered 7 high calibre assault rifles from Sambo's house. 

Naijamans take regarding all this brouhaha is that ,if security operatives comes to your house with a search warrant, by law they are supposed to conduct the search in your presence. Before they remove any incriminating evidence from your house, they must itemise the item(s) and both party must sign that these item (s) were taken away from your property. 

So why are there two different manifests of the items seized from Sambo Dasuki's Asokoro residence by the SSS? Didn't they follow simple procedure and agreed convention for conducting and executing a search warrant? 

Sambo Dasuki and the DSS operatives who carried out the search on his property should please compare notes and reconcile their discrepancies! They ought to be on the same page in order not to be seen as attempting to obstruct justice! 

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