Sunday, October 18, 2015


Social media can be judge, jury and executioner. Unfortunately we sometimes jump to conclusions after reading things spread via social media without waiting to verify the facts!!!
The news has been making the rounds regarding the untimely death of Dr Hastianah Thomas in what seemed like rather suspicious circumstances. There are allegations that there were lacerations on her remains and the social media has been agog with people making comments and calling the Husband Dr Babafemi Thomas all sort of names.

Lets be clear that Naijaman does not condone violence and does not believe that would solve anything however the only facts that we have to work with now is that:
1) Dr Hastianah is dead. 
2)Another fact is that her death is rather suspicious. 
3) Fact number three is that the husband need to be asked what really transpired. 
4) Hastianah's mother who happened to be a trained Psychologists has come out to say that she is appalled at the gale of accusations that are being leveled at her son -in-law,Dr Babafemi Thomas
5) Nigerian mothers are fiercely protective of their daughters even when they are married. You can not kill or lay hands on their daughter and expect that they would not come after you with all that they got. Now that is a well known fact in the Nigerian context.

Having itemized all these facts it is rather extremely irresponsible to just jump to hasty conclusions when an autopsy/forensic review of the case has not been done. Furthermore,the family is grappling with rather crippling grief that that are trying to come to terms with with and folks are just having verbal diarrhea calling the husband all sort of nasty names. Once again,I am not holding brief for the husband nor defending him but people should rather state the facts of what we know for now while we wait for the results of autopsy and police investigation instead of just jumping to conclusions.

The high profile nature of this case not withstanding since both couple are both medical doctors who has completed Specialists training with her being a Pediatric Surgeon while he is a Chemical Pathologists;the law should be allow to take its course without people just reaching conclusions before we are availed all the details of what transpired.
It is also pertinent to note that the Chairman of the Medical and Dental Council (MDCAN) in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) has come out to say ''It is indeed a sad event. And I have refrained from posting anything because I was appalled at how some people jumped to conclusions that it was homicide without investigating or asking questions. Dr. Hastianah Idiodi Thomas' death is a painful tradey. Quite unfortunate. I also had to refrain because it is really painful being that I saw her on Tuesday and therefore it came as a shock. Many calls came in to seek MDCAN LUTH's position but it would have been premature to say anything due to the emotions. She was a very hardworking consultant, who seemed indefatigable. However I just came from their home where I went to pay a condolence visit and what I saw was a pained and angry mother. Her mother, after I introduced myself, pleaded that we do not abandon her son-in-law who is a son to her. While weeping she asked why someone will be so insensitive and wicked to her as a mother and conclude that her son-in-law killed her daughter''
Per MDCAN chairman ' She cursed those that started because she said they have only added to her pain which is already unbearable. She said she is a principal officer in a university and has some background in psychology and she knows the tell tale signs of domestic violence. She visits often and would not have hesitated to forcefully drag her daughter out of the marriage had that been the case. She would have known from her interaction with their children. She said those who started this have stung her where it hurts because she does not joke with her children. She said she broke down when she saw the Nation newspaper that carried the story. I saw a mother pained. I think it was genuine. I promised her I would pass on her message as much as I can and that is all I have done.'

Now do families tend to hide marital issues sometimes from outsiders,that may be the case but most Nigerian mothers are quite savvy and will smell when trouble is brewing because they are more experienced at this and they would do anything to protect their daughters. I have no doubt in my mind that if Dr Babafemi Thomas ( AKA Kaythoms ) is guilty,his mother in law would be now be screaming to all regarding his guilt. While we await the results of the autopsy,I think everyone should just sheathe their verbal swords and allow the law to take its course.

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