Monday, December 31, 2012


This is wishing our loyal readers a wonderful 2013. May all your dreams and aspirations come true.


South Korean rapper, PSY, has achieved a milestone on Friday December 21, 2012,when the video for Gangnam Style exceeded 1 billion views on YouTube, becoming the first video to ever do so in YouTube's history. According to Google,the  Gangnam Style video sees about 7 million views a day"Honestly, when I made this video I didn't even expect 1 million views, because this is off my sixth album in Korea, so I just hoped it would be huge there," PSY recently told MTV News. "I didn't even think about any other countries; I just did my job and waited and watched. And, you know, today, I'm still wondering and analyzing its success. Because I've done this thing many times, this dance, this album, this video ... this one just became something else entirely."


Sunday, December 30, 2012



Uche Zubby came to india with the hope of changing his life for better.He first arrived in Mumbai and stayed there before he relocated to Goa,a state known for her influx of tourists from around the globe.Zubby was known for his neatness,respectful and promising.He did so well and that earned him a good financial status,came back to Nigeria,renovated his family home to a modern standard,bought a new car for his mother,empowered them financially before flying back to His base where he met his demise. The story...The assailant ,Emmanuel Obi who hails from Okija in Anambra Stated accused Uche of taking away his girl friend who happens to be a Russian whom many suspect might be a prostitute. Uche denied the allegation but went ahead to explain things to the assailant.The third party who happens to be their friend mediated between the duo and they all went back to their various homes in peace. But little did they knew that the murderer was not satisfied and still habours bitterness for Zubby.At that point in time he visited Zubby's home.Zubby welcomed the unsuspected assailant as usual.He came in looking very friendly and all of a sudden he pulled his sharp weapon and advanced towards the defenseless boy,stabbed him deeply in many parts of his body and went into the thin air.The eye witness who was also there rushed out terrified and alerted others and they rushed Zubby to hospital.As it was not enough for the assailant,he went back to the hospital attacking randomly.He attacked the doctors,terrorizing them not to treat Uche but police quickly arrested him and whisked him away.While the doctors tried all they could to save Uche's life,he gave up the ghost.The igbo union in that state  are still carrying out the investigation to ascertain the real motive behind the deed,but Zubby's body was deposited in mortuary until the investigation is over before he will be conveyed back home to where he will be laid to rest.The late Uche Zubby was said to have called his mum on Thurday,December 20,2012 telling her about the allegation leveled against him by his friend ,Emmanuel Obi telling her that she should put him in prayers before he was murdered the next day. The Russian woman who is said to be at the middle of this love triangle is speculated to be Asam Tala who according to her facebook page states that she is in a relationship with the assailant Emmanuel Obi

Saturday, December 29, 2012


The entire Nigerian community in Goa India and the entire Nigeria dispora community in India have been thrown into mourning due to the fact that Uche Zubby who is a Nigerian who resides in Goa in India was brutally murdered by another Nigerian over a dispute. The slain victim shown above,Zuby Uche is from Ozubulu,Anamabra state. Details Later

Friday, December 28, 2012


One of the pastors at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG),Barrister Bankole has questioned the Church hierarchy for allowing Politicians to mount the pulpit to deliver addresses to the faithful at the annual Holy Ghost congress. He was particularly taken aback by the church leadership which allowed President Jonathan to make an address from the pulpit during the last annual Holy Ghost congress. He expressed concern that the appearance of politicians who has done their best to keep the nation in the doldrums is not right. 
His postings on his facebook is outlined below:
I resigned in   December 2010.But am still worshipping in there as an ordinary member.
So, whatever. I have here is without prejudice.Holy ghost congress of our great church is now a political congress where all shades of corrupt leaders will mount our altar to fool Nigerians on what they will do.Holy Ghost congress is now a supermarket where all kinds of people like charlatans & political opportunist come shopping turning God to father xmas to give them end of the year bonus.
Jonathan was even there turning our once sacred altar to political podium talking deceitfully & indirectly campaigning for 2015.My question is this? On what ground was president Jonathan allowed to speak to people. Is he a pastor? Because d gathering is purely spiritual gathering & event. I've been a pastor in Redeemed for d past 10 years & I've not got any opportunity to sit on that altar not to talk of holding microphone. If because Jonathan is a president & he is recognized, it means some are more equal than others.Immediately, I left camp on Saturday morning, I looked at the camp very well because I know that would be d last time I will set my foot to that Eagle square called Redeemed camp.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Eagles coach Stephen Keshi has dropped a bombshell by revealing Osaze Odemwingie has proposed himself as team skipper. Keshi told a stunned Nigeria Football Federation technical committee that the West Bromwich Albion striker has put himself forward to be the Eagles skipper. “He told them that he wants to be captain as he considers himself one of the most senior players in the current squad,” an official revealed. “But how he has behaved in the national team over the years has really run counter to his ambition to be the leader of this team. You can only lead by example.” The 31-year-old Osaze made his Eagles debut in 2002, but it was not until the 2004 Nations Cup that he established himself in the national team. Goalkeepers Vincent Enyeama and Austin Ejide as well as defender and present skipper Joseph Yobo are more senior players than Osaze in the Eagles. However, he has rowed with national team bosses, from Austin Eguavoen to Lars Lagerback, and his clash with Samson Siasia was widely regarded as one of the problems that caused Nigeria to sensationally fail to qualify for the 2012 Nations Cup. It is such poor attitude that has now denied him a fifth Nations Cup appearance.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Fresh facts are emerging with regards to the kidnap of Nkiru Sylvanus:
“Initially, the family paid N7million to the kidnappers and the police who laid ambush swooped on them at the point of collection and recovered the money that was locked in the trunk of their car as they escaped...
“After we returned the money to the family, they went behind us and paid N8milliom to the kidnappers. Surprisingly I saw Nkiru in my office after she was released, and I was told they paid N8million to secure her release”.
Those were the words of the Imo State Commissioner of Police, Baba Adisa Bolanta, while frowning at the decision of the actress' family to pay ransom to her kidnappers against police warnings.
However, from what credible sources said, the Police boss didn't really understand Nkiru's predicament in the hands of her abductors. They said her family was forced to defy the police and pay ransom to the kidnappers "when the issue of rape came in".
The kidnappers allegedly "tampered" with Nkiru and even threatened her family that they would impregnate her if the ransom was not paid "immediately". At this stage, the sources said, the actress family was no longer sure the Police could rescue her unhurt, hence they paid N8million.
At the moment only a few persons know about the rape angle of the kidnap saga. More details coming....
Culled from

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It was a tragic scene at Anambra State as  five Teenagers who were holidaying from Lagos drowned mysterious circumstances. In rather mysterious and unclear circumstances, these five teenagers were said to have gone to the stream to swim and  reportedly drowned on christmas eve in Anambra state. The children, four boys and a girl went swimming for fun in the Omambala river at Umuezeanam, Anambra west, where they were later allegedly found to have drowned. Four of the victims who are from the same family including the girl among them, and their friend, had traveled with their parents from Lagos to the village for the Yuletide celebrations when they met their untimely end on Christmas Eve.
More details later


For Victor Chukwueke, fate has been benevolent to him. It is only when one is a beneficiary of such grace that he can rise from a zero level to a hero level. For one who was literally written off and abandoned in an orphanage even when his parents were alive, the survival spirit of Chukwueke is evidently strong. The proof of such strength is what worked in his favour last week when an otherwise illegal immigrant with expired visa got his life story turned around by fate.In a rare act, the United States Congress, according to a report by CNN, passed a private bill last week granting Chukwueke permanent residency after years of his living in Michigan on an expired visa. The bill is awaiting President Barack Obama's signature.That signature, Chukwueke said, will be his favourite holiday gift.
“The day Congress passed the bill was one of the happiest days of my life," said Chukwueke, who left Nigeria as a teen in 2001 to get treatment for the tumours.Private bills, which only apply to one person and mostly focus on immigration, seldom pass. But Chukwueke’s bill passed with ease. His is the only private bill to pass in Congress in two years.That act, as they say in contemporary Christendom, has caused his life not to be the same again, forever.Understandably, he is over joyous.  "I was overwhelmed with joy; it was nothing less than a miracle," the 26-year-old said. "Only in this country can so many miraculous and wonderful things happen to someone like me."Before coming to the United States at age 15, Chukwueke lived in the South-eastern Nigeria town of Ovim.  He suffers from neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes massive life-threatening tumours on his face.The ailment reconfigured his face. His peers harangued him to no end. Depression set in as he suffered regular humiliation, stigma and social rejection.Treated as an outcast because of his deformed face, he was abandoned even by his family, who rather than cause his outright death, threw him into an orphanage, perhaps hoping that he would not survive the tough condition of living there. Luckily, he survived and luck smiled on him too; it turned his verdict from condemnation to redemption.Nuns from the Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy rescued him from the orphanage more than a decade ago and arranged for a Michigan doctor to perform surgery on him.Chukwueke is not bitter; he considers himself lucky to have developed the tumours.“Without them, I would not have met the nun, left Nigeria, arrived in the U.S. and had the miracle to attend medical school," he said.He lives with the nuns in Oak Park, Michigan. They have cared for him since he came to the U.S., where he has undergone seven surgeries, including one that left him blind in the right eye. Chukwueke's surgeries over a period of time, he said, contributed to his expired visa.Despite the obstacles, he remains committed to getting an education.“My own personal struggles to receive treatment have motivated and encouraged me to pursue a medical career ... to alleviate the pain and suffering of others," he said.
He graduated with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry last year. He had a 3.82 GPA and gave the university's commencement speech."Should I call myself a victim or should I press forward to my dreams?" he asked during the speech amid thunderous applause.Soon after his graduation, the University of Toledo in Ohio admitted him to medical school. The only hurdle: The programme requires him to have permanent residency status, also known as a green card.Though he qualifies for the DREAM Act, which gives immigrants who came to the United States as minors temporary residency, the measure would not give him the permanent status mandated by the university, according to his attorney.And so began Chukwueke's journey to get legalised, a quest that has seen strangers rally to his help.His attorney Thomas K. Ragland took his case pro bono.“Victor's story is remarkable," said Ragland, who is based in Washington D.C. "Here is this kid who comes from Nigeria, he was taunted and teased for his diseases, and he comes to this country and excels, despite so many surgeries. It is a testament of not letting anything get in the way."Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat, sponsored the bill, S. 285. The measure passed the Senate in the summer and the House last week."Already, his example has enriched Michigan and our nation, but I know that his contributions to our country are only beginning," Levin said in a statement.
Culled from Thisdaylive


This is a great lesson to all of us who have no abnormalities but still keep complaining about mundane things. Life is what we make out of it. Congrats Victor


But what is news is that the WBA striker, Osaze Odemwingie has refused to keep quiet,as he reacted swiftly to his exclusion lashing out at the Nigeria head coach; Stephen Keshi in what is seen as a probably a climax of a long cold war as he also took on some other personalities plus the media, this he did through his social media network account; Twitter (@OdemwingieP) today.According to the WBA striker even though he was advised by a wise one to tread softly, he feels it’s time to clear himself of some charges being levelled against him to his fans, as he threatened that today’s tweets might be the last because he might shut down the account .“A wise man advised me after 1st tweet that there r other ways to make someone look stupid. I am not interested in that.  Just cleared myself.“The only reason I write this is for the fans to know my reasons and position on few things and don’t think I don’t care or too proud.“On my not inclusion to the Eagles list I am not surprised. Not surprised Keshi and NFF couldn’t tell me themselves. No personality!“We talk through press hahaha how come I am the only stubborn one but no ex-Eagles player was sent off from the team with respect?“Keshi has no footballing reasons not to invite me but is not saying the truth. He is still in my plans he said haha coach u no dey my plans.“To some who wanna put mouth here please act like men. When two men talk 3rd has nothing to do. So Ikpeba and the rest talk to me face to face.“This is all a comedy and our poor fans are being fed with lies while they cutting the cake for themselves.“(The) NFF spokesman told MTN he is arrogant? I am arrogant? Why did (the) country’s president threaten to close down our federation for two years?“Why didn’t Lagerback continue with (the) Super Eagles after (the 2010) World Cup? Chop and run was his plan and they knew it.“Nigerian fans voted me Nigerian Player of the Year during (the) World Cup qualifiers and I was a spectator in the World Cup and I should be quiet? “Because after we got Olympic silver I didn’t say Siasia is ready for Eagles he waited till he gets the job to axe me?” “Okay that childish thing about shirt aside. WBA needed me back for (an) important game and Siasia refused to let me miss a midweek friendly game? “Where is commonsense there? The game was played in an 80,000 capacity stadium with 2,000 spectators. That’s how important the game was! “They can’t spoil my name! That’s when I ask myself – do we not have a team captain and federation who can tell it’s commonsense? And settle the matter? Na wow oh. “Then they don’t invite (Vincent) Enyeama our number one for a crucial qualifying game because he complained about a flight or something little? Ridiculous. “This might sound disrespectful but (the) Eagles had no good captain for many years. Everyone looking only after himself. “Then SWAN sends a letter to NFF to warn me. (Sorry about that tweet didn’t mean it that way). But tell your colleagues not to make up stories. “After Afcon in Ghana, (the) Eagles fans were satisfied with our performance and Siasia after the tournament said I will take you to the Olympics. “They sacked Berti Vogts after it though and just a month after that coach Amodu took over! In his first game in charge I didn’t even warm up,” wrote the angry striker. He claimed again that an NFF Official called him only to begin to insult him while he tweeting these] messages. “NFF member just called me. Of course got insulted. I told him I sang national anthem for ten years to be treated like this. “That’s it on this. Story ended. No more talks about national team again. I’ve said all I wanted. If will be tempted will go off twitter,”.
Culled from Chanels TV


To all of you humans that have diabolic plan of making this wonderful day a disaster day for all chicken.......think again because we fight for our emancipation. Fellow chickens;point your gun to all human's nose and shout........Merry christmas

Monday, December 24, 2012



To all our readers- This is wishing you a Merry Christmas. May peace and joy be with you this holiday season


The purported celebration of Governor Patrick Yakowa's death by Kaduna muslims elicited a reaction from Hon Patrick Obahiagbon.The shocking celebrating by some people in Kaduna immediately the news of late Governor Yakowa's death in the air crash filtered in from Beyelsa, has been condemned by Hon Patrick Obahiagbon in a mixed tone.
... “Whilst I feel tongue tied that we are witnessing another ‘air mishap’ that has taken the lives of fellow Nigerians, I am utterly shocked to hear of the jubilation in certain Northern political quarters and muslim youths in Kaduna State. Just too too cruddy and it is beyond the fugacious razzmatazz of the moment,” he said.“I seriously call attention to the rutilanting and coruscating modus vivendi of Master Jesus the Christ and I dare pontificate that save and until we viscerally emblematize the virtues of self-immolation, quintessential abnegation, eulogizeable simplicity, humility and immerse ourselves in a platonic emotionalism of agape love and communalistic service and head to unity as one nation.”

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Nigeria’s Coordinating Minister for the Economy and minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, on Monday in Abuja, the nation’s capital, confirmed the suspicions that her mother, Professor Keneme Okonjo was kidnapped by those who have scores to settle with the minister over non-payment of oil subsidy moneys.Okonjo-Iweala, who expressed gratitude to Almighty God over the safe return of her mother by the kidnappers, said her mother was kidnapped by people who felt she (minister) was responsible for their not been paid oil subsidy money and also blocking the release of funds for the SURE-Programme.The minister, who spoke in her office , said that Professor Keneme was told by her kidnapper that “her daughter did not pay oil subsidy money and was also blocking payment of certain parts of the SURE-Programme money.”She said, “I just want to clarify that in the case of payment for oil subsidy money, we have been paying marketers who have been verified by Aig Imoukhuede Committee that their transactions are clean. We have done that and will continue to do that.”“For those transactions that are not verified, the government position is that if they are not verified then we will not be able to pay and that position continues. I think this is what Nigerians want. Nigerians want only honest people who have been doing transactions are paid and we have been doing that. Those transactions that have not been verified or where it is showing that the marketers are owing government money, the government position is that we would not be able to pay.”In the case of the SURE-Programme, Okonjo-Iweala explained that there was a totally different process which had nothing to do with the Ministry of Finance. “With the special committee that was set up, they do not come via the normal ministry of finance. It goes through other processes over which I do not have control,” the minister said.


Breaking News!!!!. The end of the world scheduled for December 21,2012 has been postponed till further notice due to so unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.Please co-operate and continue living folks and stop bothering your yourselves with situations that are well beyond your control. We shall attend to the unforeseen circumstance that scuttled the event this year and get back to all of you by the year 9099. If you have sold your house and belongings,please give yourself a round of applause for a job well done because we need folks like you to help the world economy get better. Thanks for your cooperation. 
Signed Naijaman on behalf of the 2012 Doomsday Myth Committee.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


The Commissioner of Police in Nigeria’s Imo state, Mr Adisa Bolanta, has confirmed that the family of Nkiruka Sylvanus, the abducted Nollywood actress and Governor Rocha Okorocha’s aide, paid N8 million ransom before she was released. Nkiru Sylvanus was kidnapped In Imo State Last Sunday but was released alongside former Mr.Nigeria, Kenneth Okolie, yesterday at about 9 p.m Thursday December 20.Bolanta told newsmen in Owerri on Friday that the family defied repeated warnings from the police not to negotiate or pay any ransom to the abductors.He said the family of the Special Assistant to the Governor on Public Affairs, did so without the knowledge of the police.The commissioner added that the police had recovered and returned N7 million paid by the family.Bolanta said that after “we returned the money to the family, they defied our warnings and continued negotiations with the kidnappers.“They went behind us and paid N8 million to the kidnappers,” he said.He, however, reassured residents of the state that the fleeing kidnappers would be brought to book.“We have made some arrests in connection with the case and very soon they will all be apprehended.“Let me assure the good people of Imo that we will not rest until all forms of criminality has been eradicated from this state.’’

Friday, December 21, 2012


Nigerian striker Obafemi Martins who plies his trade with Levante footbal club of Spain is rumored to be dating Barwuah Abigail,who is the sister of Mario Balotelli. An Italian tabloid 'Top' captured the two outside a nightclub recently.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Worried by the alarming spate of rapes in South Africa,Sonette Ehlers has created a device called Rapex to try and curb the menance of rapes amongst South Africans. The device consist of a tube with barbs inside,it is meant to be inserted like a Tampon with an applicator. Once the rapist inserts his penile shaft into the victims vagina,the rapist penile shaft will be hooked to the barbs and the rapist will have to go the Emergency Room to have it removed. Critics who called the device a medieval punishment were replied by Ehler's that it is 'a medieval device for a medieval deed'

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The ephemerality of life is absolute and one hopes that our ruling elites will remember this in their conduct, because both rich and poor shall die someday irrespective of the amount of power that one wields while alive. May General Azaazi and Governor Yakowa rest in Peace.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


A somber atmosphere enveloped the village of Ahoada,Rivers State as one of the slain victims of the Aluu mob ,Ugonna Obuzor was finally laid to rest. May his soul rest in perfect peace

Monday, December 17, 2012


Nollywood actress and special assistant to Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State, Nkiru Sylvanus is reported to have been kidnapped today in Owerri,the Imo State capital. The fair skinned actress whose appointment as a special adviser to the Governor raised a lot of eye brows was recently embroiled in a row with a prominent blogger who questioned the rational behind her appointment. Her abductors are said to be asking for N100 million ransom.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


The President and Commander in Chief of the armed forces President Goodluck Jonathan was spotted at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Holy Ghost congress recently. The General overseer Pastor Adeboye called the President and asked the entire congregation to join him in praying for the President.


Amilitary helicopter crashed in Yenagoa,Bayelsa State and some of those on board may include immediate past National Security Adviser,General Owoeye Azazi and Governor of Kaduna State,Patrick Yakowa. There are unconfirmed reports that the occupants of the helicopter may have died as of the time of going to press with this news

Friday, December 14, 2012


The kidnapped mother of the Finance minister has been released by special forces of the Nigerian security agencies. In a press release today,Mrs Okonjo-Iweala thanked all who rallied round her family during the trying period of her mother's kidnap.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


EFCC has announced that i had arrested Jigawa State Governor's son with around $400,000. Mr Aminu Lamido was said to declared only $10,000 to customs in Kano. He was on his way to Cairo.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo was captured in this clip dancing the last Ghana presidential elections.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


President Goodluck Jonathan's younger brother Chief Meni Innocent was finally committed to mother earth on Otuoke,Bayelsa State. The President stated that his brother may have died of cardiac arrest and not of other mysterious causes as speculated. May his soul rest in perfect peace

Saturday, December 8, 2012


An orphan from Zimbabwe has defied all odds to gain admission into a University by age 14. She had numerous challenges while growing up but she self taught herself and when she did the entrance examinations,she came out tops.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


The Joint Task Force (JTF) has been accused of extrajudicial killing of civilians in their fight against Boko Haram.While the Defence headquarters has denied such reports,amnesty international and other foreign media has stated that the situation on ground in states where the JTF are stationed suggests that many unarmed civilians are losing their lives to the JFT onslaught.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Nigerian-American woman Jessica Tata was finally sentenced to 80 years in jail. She was alleged to have left children who were in here daycare center to quickly run some  errands at a local grocery store. Some of the children died unfortunately in a fire mishap that was alleged to have been caused by her leaving an oil pan on fire when she went to the grocery store. She did not help her cause when she was alleged to have fled to Nigeria after the incident. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012


The political landscape in Taraba state has been thrown into a state of confusion as unconfirmed reports from Germany suggests that Governor Danbaba Suntai may have suffered frontal lobe damage after the plane crash that he was involved in. As usual with the Nigerian ruling elites ,tax payers money is being used to cater for the ailing governor in Germany but the spin doctors have been deceiving Nigerians that he is getting better. This penchant for telling lies whenever members of the ruling elite are receiving treatments abroad is really getting out of hand. This was the same scenario when Late President Yar'Dua was ferried to Germany and members of his kitchen cabinet kept the entire nation in the dark about the true state of his health until he finally died. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso of Kano State, one of the 19 northern govs, slammed what he described as a Federation Allocation regime that enriches some states, especially those in the South-south, but impoverishes the northern states.Kwankwaso said pointedly: “In this context, many other states, specifically in the South-south are today ahead of the northern states in terms of income from the Federation Account. This means that some states are getting richer while others are getting richer by the day and people are wallowing in devastating poverty.”When will the imbeciles who parade themselves are rulers from the realize that the predicament of the North getting poorer is self inflicted???.The north has always been poor even though  Nigeria has been a richly endowed country. While the rest of the country was investing in educating its people,the North has been perpetually held in down in extreme abject poverty by its present and past leaders majority of whom have come from the north. The richest men in Nigeria who own premium oil fields in the South-South are from the north but the sad irony is also that the  poorest Nigerians and millions who's lives are nothing but a celebration of human penury and poverty at the very extreme are Northerners. The millions have always been deceived with religion, while the few convert their collective wealth into personal use. Those who steal the wealth of the North will only give out handouts to the rest of the masses who they have enslaved with religious doctrines that belong to the dark ages. If all of the allocation that accrues to the north is spent by the northern governors on real things to the benefit of northerners, then the north would have been competing with Dubai today, but, its not, it is instead competing with Iraq, Afghanistan, and failed states like Somalia. A situation where Northern states prefer to spend 75% of their allocation to buy Rams during Eidel Kabir, send the executive moroons send their concubines to Mecca using state resources,maintain a parasitic army of clergy on government funds instead of investing in education;there will always be poverty.The truth be told, if the north is a victim, then it is only a victim of born and bred northerners. Stop fighting with the entire country, your enemies are within. If Nigeria is practicing true federalism, this will not be an issue but for now it is. The Northern governors established sharia law in Northern Nigeria despite the fact that the Nigerian constitution declared explicitly that Nigeria is a secular state. When the rest of the nation complained,the ruling northern elite hid under the toga of 'Federalism'.Now,the same Federalism is being used to justify giving extra resources to people whose land and source of livelihood is ravaged due to oil prospecting,now the are crying foul. The North s has great potential in Agriculture which they are known for. Back in the days, we had the Kano Groundnuts pyramids. There are other resources in the North that are not being exploited. Kwankwanso and his co Northern governors should look inwardly at developing their states without recourse to oil revenue. They should think of how to generate revenue without depending on FG allocation. The Northern governors and most of the Southern governors are all intellectually lazy and are not willing to think of other ways to seek revenue rather than waiting for oil money.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Dr. Toyin Hamzat, a former Special Adviser on Health to Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, was on Sunday shot dead by unknown gunmen in Sagamu, Ogun State. Hamzat, a devout Muslim, was buried Monday at about 2 pm in his hometown in Ijebu-Aiyepe, also in Ogun State, according to Islamic rites. Although, details of his death were sketchy, THISDAY gathered that the deceased had dropped of f a female companion when he was attacked in front of the woman’s house in Sagamu GRA at about 9.30 pm. Ogun State Police Public Relations Officer, Muyiwa Adejobi, who confirmed his death and the arrest of suspects, told THISDAY that the late Hamzat, who drove in his Toyota Prado Sports Utility Vehicle had taken the woman to her house and as she stepped out of the car, his attackers, who had come in a taxi and were obviously lying in ambush, opened fire on him. The woman, other sources said, was one of the wives of the Sagamu Commander of the Ogun State Vigilante Group. According to sources, the vigilante commander had once encountered Hamzat in the woman’s house and had warned him after an intense argument to stay away from her. The Sunday killing, sources said, might not be unconnected to the fact that the man suspected Hamzat was having an affair with his wife. Already, the police have arrested the woman, her husband and three of the people working with the man in connection with the killing. While the police said it was premature to disclose the motive behind the killing, they added that it was a clear case of murder because the woman told them that she and Hamzat had noticed the two taxis trailing them and that eyewitnesses also confirmed that those who opened fire on Hamzat were from the taxis. The police said while they could not tell if the woman’s husband had killed Hamzat, preliminary investigation showed that he had some connection with the suspected killers. Adejobi told THISDAY Monday night that “five suspects have been arrested and are being interrogated in connection with the killing and we are making progress.” The late politician was reportedly seen last on Saturday in Ago-Iwoye area of Ogun State during the burial ceremony of Oladimeji Sofowora’s mother, an aide of Fashola. Meanwhile, Fashola condemned the killing and described Hamzat’s death as most unfortunate, shocking and heart rending, adding that it should not be swept under the carpet. According to a statement by his Special Adviser on Media, Hakeem Bello, “It was indeed a supreme irony of life that such a man of peace who gave so much in the service of his country in general and community in particular could come to such a violent end.” The governor condoled with his Ogun counterpart, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, the state government and its people as well as the immediate and extended family members of the deceased. While praying to God to grant the widow and family members the fortitude to bear the loss, the governor described Hamzat’s assassination as a personal loss to him, Lagos State and the entire South-west family of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN). A pharmacist, Hamzat who was a pioneer member of the Alliance for Democracy (AD) and the ACN, had served in different capacities in the party and in Lagos State. Between 1999 and 2002, he was the chairman of Ikeja Local Government. He later became a special adviser on Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs under the administration of former Governor Bola Tinubu. Born on October 1, 1960, Hamzat attended Adeola Odutola College Ijebu Ode where he got his A’ Levels and later proceeded to the University of Lagos, Akoka where he obtained a degree in pharmacy.

Monday, November 26, 2012


After  the founder and the General Overseer of the Household of God Church, Pastor Chris Okotie sacked his second wife Stephanie Henshaw,many people were surprised when he stated that he was going to tie the nuptial knot again for the third time this December. Some female members whose hopes were dashed when he decided to marry Stephanie four years back are now jostling at the background to fill vacant the position of “Mrs Okotie.”They include, Sola Salako, who was the church’s head of administration, Vien Tetsola, a former beauty queen, Ure Okezie, daughter of former minister, Dr. Okezie, who later dated hip-hop artiste Soul E, and Rose Elishama Ideh, who became a frequent visitor at many of Okotie’s church events, and who played a major role in his last presidential campaign.All of these women quit the church in the heat of union then hoping that Okotie would one day wake up from the spell of the Calabar beauty, and their prayers were answered in June this year. The argument of the women against the choice of Stephanie was that Pastor Chris had been the family pastor during her two marriages and Stephanie’s second husband was his oldest church member. The story now is that since the pastor who was the presidential candidate of his Fresh Party is free from his marriage and has signified his intention to remarry, there is need to return as the race for the role of Mrs. Okotie is open.First to signify her intention is Ure Okezie popularly known as Queen Ure. When Okotie’s rejection pushed her into the arms of younger Soul E whom she dated for about four years before Soul E walked out of the relationship, she recently returned to the fold of the pastor that his known for his excessive grammatical expression laden sermon. When questioned about Christ Vila, the church she co-owned with her ex-lover, she replied that she has returned to Pastor Chris Okotie’s Household of God Church and that she now worships there, raising questions as to why she chose to return to the church immediately after the break-up between the pastor and Stephanie.Sources close to the church also revealed that it is a matter time before others like Vien Tetsola, and the rest return as the office of the wife of the pastor has now suddenly become vacant since most of the women in question are still single with the exception of the Roli Adeniyi who has since become married to the former vice-chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) South-west, Chief Olabode George. Culled from Nigeria

Sunday, November 25, 2012


According to Forbes magazine,wealthy Nigerians have spent around $6.5 billion to acquire private Jets making Nigeria the biggest market for private Jets in Africa. While the roads and infrascture are left in decay,the rich are busy taking to the skies to avoid using the death traps of our bad roads. A rather sad dimension to entire scenario is the penchant for religious leaders to want to out do the politicians in acquiring private jets. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Aso rock has asked the Senate, that the N1,305,292,050 budgeted for refreshment,feeding and miscellaneous expenses in the State House. Emmanuel Ogbile,the Permanent Secretary for the State House appeared before the Senator Dahiru Kuta led committee to defend the budgeted money.
With many Nigerians cutting costs after the oil subsidy removal,it is really callous that the Presidency is still living under the illusion that all is well and they can ask for more funds to cater for their gluttonous
wants. Even if you hypothetically order Louis Vuitton rice,Versace tomatoes,Channel meat, Dolce & Garbana water,Guicci spices and spend N2,000,000 for about 10,000 people everyday in Aso rock on food; that will come to a whopping sum of N730 million per year.The whitehouse spends way less than that on feeding for state house events and the feeding of the Obamas is not even included. By law,the Obama's meal need to be catered for by the salary of Mr Obama and not by tax payers. President Jonathan is paid by tax payers money and his wife is under the payroll of the Bayelsa state government and yet they still need N1,305,292,050 budgeted for refreshment,feeding and miscellaneous expenses in the State House. I hope someday Nigerian tax payers won't be asked to take care of ' Lamborghini toilet roll expenses' to cater for 'Rolls Royce feculent matter ' from Aso Rock!!!!
Video courtesy of Chanels TV