Sunday, March 31, 2013


The Nigerian community in Malaysia has alerted our team that a  Nigerian man was recently killed  in Malaysia in the presence of police men who are by law supposed to protect the rights of all citizens in Malaysia. The scenario that routinely plays out in Malaysia is that immigrants are usually the target of racism and the worst treatment is meted out to black men who are treated as if they are less human by the Malaysians. The slain man, Solomon Okolo was beaten to death in Kampung Batu Muda,Jinjang after he went to assist a friend who was involved in a car accident. According to information gathered from from Sentul district police chief Zakaria Pagan,he said that his men responded to a report that there was a fight and when they arrived at the scene,they found four men being beaten while two women and two children from Nigeria were not harmed. According to him'the victim is seen only to have suffered minor injuries and the police claimed that they noticed that he suddenly collapsed,lost consciousness and died' he told a press conference at the police station forecourt Jinjang yesterday. The late Solomon is said to be a student of  a private college and is 29 years old.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


How My Gang Killed Hotel Manager & Pregnant Woman Even After Their Families Paid Us Money - Kidnapper
'We kidnap victims from Imo State, take them to Rivers state' …

Suspected leader of a kidnap syndicate that abducted the Managing Director, 
Naija Plaza Hotel, Oguta, Imo state and a pregnant woman and killed them after 
collecting ransom from their relatives, has been arrested by Policemen attached
 to Ilemba Hausa division in Lagos.

The suspect, Chika Richard Nwabiarijie, who hails from Omoku Local Government 
Area of Rivers state, was arrested in a hotel around Ojo area, in the company of his wife.

26-year-old Richard, reportedly fled Rivers state to take cover in Lagos, following the
 arrest of other members of his gang by the Imo state Police command.

The kidnappers numbering six and clad in Military camouflage as gathered, stormed
 the hotel located in Oguta, on February 24, 2013,where they killed two mobile 
policemen attached to the hotel during exchange of fire, before abducting their 
victim,one Emeka Asema.

Unfortunately, the lifeless body of the hotel manager was reportedly found
 days later at Umunoha in Mbaitolu local government area of Imo state.

Before he was whisked into the police van, Crime Alert spoke with Richard, 
who, however dissociated himself from the abduction of the late hotel MD,
 saying other members of his gang were responsible.

But he disclosed that in one of the gang’s escapades which he partook in, 
a pregnant woman was abducted and killed even after receiving 
a ransom of N5 million from her relatives.

Hear him: “ I fled from Rivers to Lagos, to hide when I heard that 
members of my gang had been arrested. I swear to God,
 I was never involved in the kidnap of the hotel Managing Director. 
My colleagues did. They went to the hotel at about 8.30 pm and abducted him. 
In the process, they killed two mobile policemen on guard and made away
 with their riffles. The manager was brought to our hide out in Rivers 
state where he was held hostage for some days before the sum of
 N2.1 million was received from his relatives as ransom.

On the day he was to be released, they blind- folded and drove him
 out of the compound. But midway into the journey to his home 
town, they killed him and dumped his body on the road.


We don’t just abduct anybody any how. We must have gathered 
information on the person’s financial background before we strike. 
We operated mostly in Imo state and our informant there is one Udo. 
Whenever he got information on anyone, he would alert us. 
I would then come from Rivers state and together with other members, 
we would be monitoring our target’s movement and security 
around the area before going into action.

Sometimes, we used motorbikes or cars and at other times we use
 both. We would intercept the victim with the motorbikes or car and
 thereafter, order him/her to come out of the car. If we were operating
 on motorbikes, we would zoom off in the victim’s car and head 
straight for my place in Rivers,where the victim would be kept until ransom was paid.”

I get N500,000 in each operation

Asked when and how he joined the gang, he replied, 
“ I was introduced to the gang by Udo and Uche who are on the run.
 We met in a bar in Rivers state and I was tempted because I had no job. 
Since I joined the gang, I have gone on operation three times. 
At the end of each successful operation, I got N500,000.

The last person we kidnapped last from Imo state was a man who
 came on a visit. At the end, my share of the ransom was N300,000.

“But before then, we had kidnapped a pregnant woman who was killed 
after receiving ransom from her relatives. They told me they usually 
killed them so as to prevent them from revealing their identities to the 
police, since they are from the same state.

“We manufacture our weapons ourselves in Rivers state. I promise to 
take the police to the place. My job is just to join them to kidnap our 
target and also to keep watch over them.”

Asked if his wife was in the know, he shook his head, saying he only 
told her he was bringing her to Lagos for a treat.


Crime Alert gathered that operatives at the Imo state Police command 
swung into action after the body of the hotel manager was discovered, 
during which the leader of the gang whose name was given as Okorie was arrested.

During interrogation, 35-year-old Okorie who hails from Amii Igbere in Bende 
local government area of Abia State but resides at Adimma House Ibocha 
Egbema, according to the Imo state Police boss, Musa Katsina, was 
discovered to have sneaked into Oguta where his girlfriend,one Ifeoma, 
harboured him for three days before the abduction of the hotelier.

Okorie’s confessional statement reportedly led to the arrest of four 
other members whose identities were given as Onyemuche Chris Ordukwu, 
a 26 -year-old barber from Obakata Quarters in Omoku Rivers State; 
Nze Damian Onyenye, 26 -year- old graduate from the Institute of 
Management and Technology, IMT; 29-year-old Ifeoma Ukachukwu, 
a native of Oguma Oguta and 50-year-old Ikechukwu Ossai who hails 
from Oguta as well.

Policemen from Imo state who reportedly alerted policemen at Ilemba 
Hausa of Richard’s presence at the hotel, came to pick him and his wife, 
Monday, for onward investigation and prosecution.

culled from:

Thursday, March 28, 2013


During the burial ceremony of the late Yoruba Nollywood actress Bisi Komolafe,the solemn ceremony had many people in attendance and one of them was Kemi Olunloyo (daughter of ex-Oyo state governor Omololu Olunloyo) who appeared to be so eager to pose for photographs with many of the Nollywood Yoruba stars that were present at the venue. Recall that Kemi was deported from Canada and she is rather quick to drop her ex-governor's father name at the slightest opportunity. In one of the pictures Kemi was smiling while posing with the casket which is quite insensitive because this is a funeral and not a red carpet event. Also in another picture taken with Ogogo both of them were smiling raising eyebrows of the other mourners the event. Kemi claimed that she was there to cover the event but taking pictures with all the Nollywood Yoruba actors and actresses appeared to be what she did at the venue.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


During a soccer game in South Africa,a girl decided that she needs to strip off her clothes. The pictures are shown above

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It’s shame that Nigerians will come out and say “oh at least he is working” this is the low expectancy syndrome eating our brains off, many Nigerians applauded him when he gave a million naira each to PDP party chairmen for Mr biggs, what a waste!!! In a nation where 75% cannot afford 1 usd a day. 
Even the American president and Russian president paid for a food in a fast food and got their change back, are they poorer, hungry, stupid, or incapable of spending large?
Nigerians demands for change, stop falling for this cheap hocus pocus played on us on a daily basis.
Very soon we will be rolling our drums; voicing praises like that of the angelic adobe in celebration of 100 years of existence. Nigerians what are you celebrating?
After hundred years----no power but we are celebrating
After hundred years no standard healthcare but we are celebrating
After hundred years no security
After hundred years, no job opportunity for millions of graduates whose phd’s and hnd’s are turning to chess board for rats.
After hundred years we cannot refine our oil
After hundred years our children are dying of common malaria
After hundred years no proper means of transportation
After hundred years no peace
After hundred years we import toothpicks
After hundred years we are still hoping.
Why? Because we are blind to the truth, we celebrate failure, we celebrate and support criminals who should be in jail, we pardon criminals who should be in jail, we are blind because we chose to, and we chose the part to suffer.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Super Eagles rookie defender,Godfrey Oboabona has been handed a trial at the Emirates by Arsenal Manager Arsene Wenger. The versatile player who can play as a defensive midfielder,central defender or right full back is being valued currently at one million pounds. He played a major role in Nigeria's winning of the last African Cup of Nations held in South Africa. Oboabona states that Arsenal is his favourite club and he is excited at the opportunity to prove his mettle with them. Goodluck Godfrey,hopefully you can help fix the leaking central defensive issues that the Gunners are currently facing

Friday, March 22, 2013


The daughter of former Governor of Oyo state Chief Omololu Olunloyo recently took to the web to state that she does not need a human male phallus anymore but that her vibrators are keeping her happy.
She posted  pictures of herself in underwear on the web. Do i hear someone say 'histrionic personality'? Anyway,madam Kemi Olunloyo have mercy on your children especially the male ones here in the US. The posting of those pictures might be mentally haunting those poor dudes. No child,no matter how indifferent want to be the butt of jokes from his friends on account of his mother's half naked pictures in granny panties circulating on the internet. Her past history is littered with many stormy relationships with authorities especially the one in Canada that led to her deportation although she goes to great length to try and rationalize this deportation that some grand conspiracy lead to her deportation.

Monday, March 18, 2013


The multiple bomb blast that occured at a bus terminal in Sabo in Kano has claimed more that 25 lives and more of the victims are dying due to paucity of acute trauma care facilities in Kano hospitals. This latest wave of bombing is coming on the heels of calls for amnesty by prominent muslim leaders in Northern part of Nigeria for the Boko Haram militants. It is obvious to all that such calls are rather callous,insensitive and it exposes the hypocrisy of muslim leaders in the northern part of Nigeria who has refused to condemn Boko Haram militants instead they are looking for another pay day avenue by asking for spurious amnesty to be granted to the murderous Boko Haram villains. Boko Haram has stated categorically that they want to imposed sharia  in Nigeria  and chase all christians from northern Nigeria in addition to banning of western education which they claim is Haram. The question is if amnesty is granted,what happens to all what they are fighting for?


It is not easy to be up there without getting a fair share of the scandals of life from time to time. This is more so when you are a man of God and many people look up to you."I have made all efforts to persuade her, I went as far as meeting some of our elders, senior pastors and bishops. I even met redeemed Christian church of God general overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye and all those that are concerned to help me beg her but she refused to come back home. I also wrote to the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) on the issue.." These were the words of Rev Chris Kwakpovwe, publisher of Our Daily Manna, who is currently enmeshed in a dirty adultery scandal with his ex-wife, Pastor Dolapo.
She has dragged him to court for allegedly impregnating his secretary when they were still married. She also accused Rev Chris of father a child whose name was given as Tijiri. One source said the lady he allegedly impregnated his now his wife. gathered that their divorce hearing came up for hearing on February 26th at the Ikeja Magistrate Court 51, before Mrs Folaranmi. Rev Chris gave his own side of the story, stating how he had tried to make peace with his estranged wife but she refused. He confirmed that he got married to Pastor Dolapo on July 10,1999. Hearing continues.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Charly Boy's cousin, Emeka Aseme, a business man with huge stakes in a successful hotel was forcefully taken away by gun wielding men during one of his visits to his hotel in Oguta, Imo state on 24th February. Emeka's family contacted the kidnappers who asked for an N8m ransom, which was paid but he was not released . On the 9th of March, someone contacted the Aseme's and told them to go to a village between Owerri and Oguta called Okwonji, to find him him. Emeka's decomposed body was found in the bush, with the body severely mutilated beyond imagination,his sexual organ , eyes and the heart plucked out. As of time of reporting this story,the police states that 
about five suspects have been arrested regarding this. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lessons to Learn from the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI

Lessons to Learn from the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI

by Ide Owodiong-Idemeko, NAS Cap'n, National Association of Seadogs
Pope Benedict XVI stunned the world's one billion Catholics and the entire world on 11 February, 2013 with news of his resignation! He had only been Pope for less than eight years; and here he was, giving up an office that he had the right to hold onto from the date of his election until his death!
In his own words, "After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry." With those weighty words, the 85-year-old Pope Benedict was putting into practice a suggestion he had made in an interview back in 2010 that if a Pope were to find himself to be too old or too unwell to effectively perform his duties, it would be his right and duty to give up the office.
As the world continues to ponder the gravity of what has been confirmed as the first papal resignation in nearly 600 years, we in Nigeria must strive to draw on the powerful lessons of the Pope's example. In contrast to the Pope's exemplary and voluntary surrender of power on account of age and general ill-health, our country has over the years been plagued by officeholders and politicians who are so obsessed with power that neither the law, nor age, nor extreme ill-health, nor even crass incompetence is enough reason to make them consider loosening their grip on power.
From the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, we witnessed Ibrahim Babangida's endless transition to civil democratic government. Next, came Sani Abacha's nearly successful transformation from military dictator to civilian president-for-life. In more recent years, our country endured the stress and the ridicule that attended Olusegun Obasanjo's brazen attempt to amend our constitution and contrive an illegal extension of his tenure as president. Then came the more ludicrous and shameful episode of Umaru Yar'Adua who in spite of clear incapacitation clung onto power until the bitter end.
Across our country today, we are seeing more examples of the sit-tight syndrome among governors and other officeholders who have taken to governing from hospital beds in Europe, Asia and the Americas. From Sullivan Chime of Enugu State to Liyel Imoke of Cross River State to Dambaba Suntai of Taraba State, our officeholders have shown varying degrees of inability to let go of power when severely incapacitated.
Another disturbing manifestation of the sit-tight syndrome has been the continued domination of the political space by a host of people who by now should ordinarily be in retirement. At a time when gerontocracies across the world have yielded place to governments led by the young and the dynamic, it is sad to note that our political discourse and fortunes are still largely determined by octogenarians and septuagenarians many of whose time in government dates back to the 1960s. If our country must make progress in the 21st Century world, we must move away from this tragicomic combination of expiring and expired leaders and absentee presidents and state governors who are photo-shopped, air brushed and propped up by cronies in desperate power-clinging endeavours.
While Pope Benedict's example counsels honourable self-surrender upon a realization of impending incapacity, our political class has proven that it does not take a healthy body and a sane mind to run Nigeria; one only needs the right amount of greed and an unwillingness to relinquish power no matter what. It is our duty as citizens and as the civil society to counter this heresy. We must commit to the arduous task of re-orientating our political class and holding them to higher standards. One way to start is by preaching and advancing the central lesson of Pope Benedict's resignation - which is, that the true purpose of leadership is service and that holding on to power when one is not fit to serve is an unforgivable sin.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The above picture is that of the ALUU4 suspect Coxson Leberori Lucky.He was the one that raised the false alarm that alerted the vigilante that led to the extrajudical killing of the innocent uniport students that were killed a year ago in ALUU village. We hope this picture will lead to his arrest soon

Monday, March 11, 2013


The Lagos State Commandant of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC) Obafaiye Shem has said that he has never visited his organisation's website.
Speaking as a guest on Channels Television's breakfast programme, Sunrise Daily, Mr Shem said the website opened by impostors to defraud unsuspecting job seekers would be automatically closed.Asked to mention the NSCDC's web address, Mr Shem said "I cannot categorically tell you one now." Probed further to name the organisation's website, the commandant said the address is: www.nscdc.A Channels Television's reporter checked the web address and noticed that it was incorrect. Further search on the internet showed that the correct web address for the Civil Defence Corp is 
Culled from Chanels TV


The Edo State Police Command has rescued a Spanish, Jose Anthonio Murili Turrillo who was kidnapped and held captive in a hotel room in Benin City since last Saturday by his Nigerian lover.
The victim was said to have been lured from Spain by 28 year-old , who was said to have been repatriated from Spain. Along with one Kenny Oyemwina, 25, they held the Spanish hostage and took all the money he had.Briefing journalists on the case in Benin, the Edo State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Folusho Adebanjo, said “investigation revealed that the female suspect is the Spanish lover who lured him from Spain to Nigeria and he was made to withdraw all the money he had in his account.“When the two suspects discovered that their victim had no money on him and in his account again, they forcefully asked him to call his sister in Spain to send €2000 to them before he will be allowed to go back to Spain.”The sister of the victim however “reported to INTERPOL Spain who contacted the Nigeria INTERPOL who in turn contacted Edo State Command.”According to the Police Commissioner, the two suspects have been arrested and would soon be prosecuted.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Abia governor, Theodore Orji is a political neophyte says his estranged godfather, Orji Kalu
Mr. Kalu said the governor was behind his being stripped of an academic degree.Former governor of Abia state, Orji Uzor Kalu, has hit at his successor and current governor, Theodore Orji, describing him as a “political neophyte”, in an unfolding clash that left Mr. Kalu stripped of an academic degree by the state university.The Abia State University, on Saturday, announced the withdrawal of its Bachelors degree in Government and Public Administration, from the former governor, claiming it found out Mr. Kalu’s admission was flawed.Mr. Kalu, who had earlier dropped out of the University of Maiduguri before becoming governor, enrolled for the ABSU programme while he was governor. His successor was his chief of staff.The former governor is believed not to have concluded the programme when he was issued with a degree certificate.Still, the school’s decision, some six years after he left office, is seen by many as part of a long-running rift between the two politicians who had long fallen apart.In a statement Sunday, Mr. Kalu said the recent decision to revoke the degree was the “latest in the failed attempts of Orji to silence him.”“What the Senate of ABSU has done amounts to shifting the goal post after the goal has been scored,” Mr. Kalu’s spokesperson, Oyekunle Oyewunmi, said in the statement.“No one can deny the fact that His Excellency (Kalu) was in ABSU for lectures and examinations. And how do you withdraw a degree that has been duly awarded?“And to think it is the same Senate that awarded it that is withdrawing it. It is obvious where the drummer is playing for the Senate to dance from.”Mr. Oyewunmi said the former governor will “definitely react appropriately” to the school’s decision.The spokesperson said Mr. Kalu was currently in Gambia overseeing “some of his multibillion dollar businesses.”Mr. Kalu, a member of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, while in office, midwife the birth of a new party, the Peoples Progressive Alliance, PPA, upon which he engineered Mr. Orji’s election to office even while Mr. Orji was detained over corruption charges.The former governor’s decision to return to PDP has reportedly been at the heart of a bitter and grueling dispute between the two men.The release by Mr. Kalu is the most bare-knuckled challenge of his successor since they fell apart.Mr. Kalu said the governor was “jittery” as elections were getting closer and it was becoming clearer that Mr. Orji’s preferred candidate will not win to cover the governor’s tracks when he quits.“He will only panic the more as he has set the ground for a battle he cannot withstand and win.“Recent events have shown who truly is an Abian among Dr. Kalu and Orji.“This non-performing governor is challenged to a public walk alongside Dr. Kalu on the streets of Abia State and let us see who will get stoned,” he said.“How can he so quickly forget the political staying power of Dr. Kalu, which earned him (Orji) the governorship despite the fact he was in the custody of the EFCC when the election was held and a new party had to be registered for him to emerge as the governor of Abia State,” the statement asked.“That same staying power, which only God and forthrightness can grant, is what has kept Dr. Kalu above all foes.“And if Orji still thinks it is possible for him to run Dr. Kalu out of Abia State, then he should have a rethink.”
Let the ''executhieves'' continue to dance naked in the market square!!!!!!! Am actually suprised that academics stooped so low to bring the name of ABSU to the mud. The implication of the institution senate action is that they have been offering fake certificates. I see this action affecting gtaduates of ABSU in the larger society.Shame to ABSU vice chancellor, A bigger shame to the school senate